They couldn't wait to jump on HRC for telling Chris Matthews "we didn't lose a single person in Libya".
As usual they only heard what they wanted to hear.
Hillary was discussing the US backed overthrow of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi in 2011, which indeed saw no loss of American lives and cost just around $1 billion.
Here's what she said:"Ousting Qaddafi was worth it.Now, is Libya perfect? It isn't.
But did they have two elections that were free and fair where they voted for moderates. Yes, they did.
So you know, changing from a dictator who has hollowed out your country to something resembling a functioning state and even hopefully more of a democratic one doesn't happen overnight, and we've got to continue to support the Libyan people, to give them a chance, because otherwise you see what has happened in Syria, with the consequences of millions of people flooding out of Syria, with more than 250,000 people killed, with terrorist groups like ISIS taking up almost -- huge blocks of territory, as big as some of the states in that area.”
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/15/2016 12:04 pm)
This is what I love about Hillary. She has first hand knowledge & experience when it comes to foreign affairs. She understands the issues much more in depth than any of the other candidates IMO.
Can you even imagine Trump as POTUS?
As for the cukoo's, you are so right, they only hear what they want to hear.
Of course they could care less what we think.
Sam wrote:
This is what I love about Hillary. She has first hand knowledge & experience when it comes to foreign affairs. She understands the issues much more in depth than any of the other candidates IMO.
Can you even imagine Trump as POTUS?
As for the cukoo's, you are so right, they only hear what they want to hear.
Of course they could care less what we think.
Don't believe it!
I have a spy (who left the VRB) who tells me they talk about us all the time through PMs.
That's why I say they could care less.
I just think it's funny when people say "I could care less". Especially about politics.
At least put a question mark after it..... I could care less?? (shrug both shoulders, both hands extended upward, and stupid questioning look on the face). Think the Cukoos can do that? Nah....too much coordination. (Boy am I going to get talked about)