It's been brewing for a while possums.
A dig here, an insulting emoticon there, but yesterday, March 15 (as good old Hank would say) the "fit hit the shan".
Yup! The Holy Spirit descend on Iggoz and she finally found her tongue.
Iggoz posted to Keep:
"Keep people left you need to get that through your head. Those people who left did not go to that board. Guess what some aren't coming back. You are making yourself clear to everyone that when others were gone your board was peaceful. This is the problem (people have different views) it is like you don't want anyone here but your select few. I was sick for gods sake that was the reason I wasn't here. You are happy with just your select three and no one else should be here. That is not how the board works everyone should be welcome. People are tired of being told where to post, when to post and what to post. People are tired of the gutter cussing out. You haven't done that but when you get mad you just keep it going with the little remarks and go in with a . or a If you can't realize that then something is wrong. It's the other board that has some of you upset. That is so trivial. Lots of people are on other boards I don't see you three getting on their case. It's just Jd
I said I was done with this thread but I am allowed to have my say just like everyone else is. I am not going to be told where to post, when to post and how to post. I will take up for anyone and everyone who I feel is getting the spanking when they shouldn't be.
Bottom line to me is that it appears you don't want anyone here but your buds. Moving on is healthy continuing to try to tell everyone they don't have feelings is not cool.
Please let us all get along and Please let everyone post what they wish. I don't understand why it's a problem with you that people are here who started on this board."
(Dolly here: I hope this doesn't spoil the St. Patty's day festivities at Micha's)
NB: I have people on the ground and will be reporting on Friday morning.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/17/2016 7:33 am)
Wow. Ghostwriter?
They better leave JD alone!
If only they had all spoken up when ALL of us here were banned for 'speaking' our minds....but they let the BULLY win and were afraid to stand up to her....the only one that stood up to the vicious Bully was teacher!
Too little too late....we accept everyone...but we won't accept bullies or insults to our members...just speak your mind, disagree if you do and move on...that all! We like the differences in all of us...just NOT insults to each other.
So sign up and lets have some discussions on the happenings in our world.
Ok Spunky.
But what thread is this under, Dolly?
What started all this?
You go girl, iggoz.
They seem to be fighting over "The Donald," people aren't allowed to dislike him on their board. They never could handle a difference of opinion. I knew they wouldn't get along for very long, seems people have run from their board and aren't going back.
Not surprised.
And not trying to start anything but what ever happened to the wonderful Viewsurvivor?
zeke wrote:
And not trying to start anything but what ever happened to the wonderful Viewsurvivor?
Don't think she's a fan of the Donald, that makes for a very unfriendly conversation. It seems some would like the board to be made up of only those who think alike. I really didn't know a lot of them, I wasn't on the VMB all that long. It was fine when they were all ganging up on Democrats, no problem, now they're after each other. It's pretty hard when so many need to have the last word on everything, makes for long arguments.
Keep IS the reason we all split. View made it happen, but Keep has always been the poisoned apple. Jmo, but I am fairly certain I am not alone.
Yes, Keep is the control freak. Billy has become her partner in crime.
So funny that Keep thinks Trump is a great unifier. Kind of ironic I think.
Not hard to understand.
Keep is one of Donald's poorly educated supporters.
He loves the poorly educated.
P.S. I bet Keep's dying her white sheet with two eye holes green for tonight's party.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/17/2016 8:37 am)
Sam wrote:
Yes, Keep is the control freak. Billy has become her partner in crime.
So funny that Keep thinks Trump is a great unifier. Kind of ironic I think.
None of them over at that crazy board were unifiers...anyone that allows others to be bullied is well.... a BULLY....still don't understand what they were afraid of???? And to finally speak up....really ironic....Never too late to say "Sorry"
So happy we are away from them....This is the best mb insults... even though we sometimes don't agree...that's what its all about.....R E S P E C T!
Hmmmmm..... I think I joined the vmb 2-3 years ago. I don't remember Keep or Billy having such a large presence or any presence at that time. Seems like they came on board after I joined and with a vengeance.
As I look back, there were a lot of impersonators. I am sure someone was pretending to be a black person (more than one). One was Percyshouse or something like that. That person made AWFUL statements.....uh, a poorly educated person.
I remember enjoying posts from Biddle....something....she made clever posts.
In the beginning, Nip was actually nice, asking about my granddaughter and her health issues.
Where did it go so bad?
I was on the board a little longer than you, and I don't remember Billy or Keep being there, unless as you said they were using different names.
There were a lot of good posters then.
Quite a few stinkers too.
Anyone remember Lites? Queen?
DollyLongstaff wrote:
I was on the board a little longer than you, and I don't remember Billy or Keep being there, unless as you said they were using different names.
There were a lot of good posters then.
Quite a few stinkers too.
Anyone remember Lites? Queen?
I remember those names Dolly...they were know that person that had MANY identities...banned ...then back with a new name....
I really don't know who keep or billy were before they became the haters....But all the others that agreed with them ALL the time ARE haters as well.
I also remember bellediddle, zeke...great poster...I think she was friendly with 'esm'....I also miss 'wishingyoupeace' great posters both of them...both intelligent and smart people..
And as said by Keep to DT....."go Donald...Go Donald" I agree...yeah GO TO HELL Donald!!
Vantro wrote:
DollyLongstaff wrote:
I was on the board a little longer than you, and I don't remember Billy or Keep being there, unless as you said they were using different names.
There were a lot of good posters then.
Quite a few stinkers too.
Anyone remember Lites? Queen?
Spunky wrote:
I remember those names Dolly...they were know that person that had MANY identities...banned ...then back with a new name....
I really don't know who keep or billy were before they became the haters....But all the others that agreed with them ALL the time ARE haters as well.
I also remember bellediddle, zeke...great poster...I think she was friendly with 'esm'....I also miss 'wishingyoupeace' great posters both of them...both intelligent and smart people..
And as said by Keep to DT....."go Donald...Go Donald" I agree...yeah GO TO HELL Donald!!
Yeah.....then they had one poster who included the info in EVERY POST that she was mixed race and her father was a doctor.
I remember that poster zeke...but not her user name.
SEC knows all the impostors and their various names...I think she listed them in one of the posts...