Not the beloved Shirley Temple character, Heidi Cruz!
In a tweet that was up for a total of 7 seconds, Donald the Drumpf threatened to "spill the beans" on Heidi in retaliation for the lubricious picture of Drumpf's immigrant wife Svetlana shown in a TV ad for Cruz.
Wow what kind of beans would Shirley Cruz have?
Is Heidi a stripper too? I want to see the
I know he insulted Heidi Klum a couple of months ago....what an ass he is....
He's on his 3rd marriage and married a stripper...He also is in love/obsessed with M Kelly...
Yes The Don has some serious Woman issues.
Can't wait for Hillary to school him at a debate!
Did you see that wife number two is on dancing with the stars?
Hi Teachesk! Hope things are going well for you!
Yes, I did see Marla Maples was one of the contestants. I bet she could give us a lot of insight on the real Donald Trump.
I think this "bringing the wife in to it' is totally crass and typical of Trump. And Cruz needs to take responsibility for his super pac instead of whining his way out of it. Man up, dude.
I swear I have tried very hard not to condemn his supporters by his actions; but his fans' fawning willingness to explain away his actions and demeaning attitude towards women makes me question their ability to overloook everything including common freaking sense in order to vote their emotions ( anger)
Last edited by esm (3/24/2016 6:55 am)
Trump cherishes women, except for Heidi, Carly, Megyn, Rosie, Elizabeth (the Indian) Warren... the list is endless.
Always classy: Trump retweets dig at Heidi Cruz's appearance
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/24/2016 8:06 am)
That is so sexist. Like women are only of value if they are viewed as beautiful.
Trump is disgusting. How could any woman vote for that ? Actually, how could anyone vote for the