Why is it that every time there's a terror attack anywhere in the world FOX drags out Rudy for his expert advice?
As NYC Mayor, Giuliani Failed On 9/11 Communications, Cleanup And Treatment of FirefightersGiuliani Failed To Set Up A Unified Command Post For New York Fire And Police Departments, Which Hampered Communication Between Them.
On September 11, 2002, The New York Times reported that "The Police and Fire Departments barely spoke on 9/11. They set up separate command posts."
Moreover, the Times reported that early on during the crisis, "the Office of Emergency Management had to be evacuated. It had been placed in the trade center complex by Mr. Giuliani, against advice that it was unwise to put an emergency center in a terrorist target":
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/26/2016 9:03 am)
Giuliani Mishandled The Cleanup Effort At Ground Zero, Exacerbated The Risk To Workers' Lives And Health.
Criticism of Giuliani's handling of the cleanup effort at Ground Zero began shortly after the 9/11 attacks. In a February 2002 preliminary assessment of the response to the attacks, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) claimed, "It appears at this point as if the bulk of these [environmental health] problems resulted from shortcomings by the Giuliani administration."
The NRDC also affirmed that Giuliani's Department of Environmental Protection commissioner Joel Miele "did not fully exercise [his] authority" to respond to "emergencies caused by releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances," and that "when it came to communicating about environmental health matters, city, state and federal efforts fell short of the mark."
Giuliani's Administration Showed A Pattern Of Security-Related Cronyism.
According to an August 22, 2006 article in The Village Voice, authors Wayne Barrett and Dan Collins documented how Giuliani's cronyism and "managerial dysfunction" harmed the response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Barrett and Collins explain that NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, was "a prime example of this managerial dysfunction all morning" during the 9/11 attacks because in the 102 minutes between the first impact of a plane into the World Trade Center and the collapse of the North Tower, "Kerik became Giuliani's bodyguard, just as he had been in the 1993 mayoral campaign," rather than leading the police's efforts.
International Association Of Fire Fighters Castigated Giuliani's "Egregious Treatment Of Our 343 Fallen On 9/11."
In a March 9, 2007, open letter from the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), IAFF president Harold Schaitberger excoriated "Giuliani's egregious treatment of our 343 fallen on 9/11, their families and our members following that horrific day."
The letter also took issue with Giuliani's "scoop-and-dump" policy, saying: "Mayor Giuliani's actions meant that fire fighters and citizens who perished would either remain buried at Ground Zero forever, with no closure for families, or be removed like garbage and deposited at the Fresh Kills Landfill."
The letter later added: "What Giuliani showed is a disgraceful lack of respect for the fallen and those brothers still searching for them. He exposed our members and leaders to arrest"
The Surveillance Program Giuliani Claimed He "Started ... In 1994" Was Completely Ineffective.
In a March 23 fact check of Ted Cruz's suggestion that the United States begin surveilling mosques -- a policy Giuliani claimed he initiated in 1994 -- Washington Post fact-checker Michelle Ye Hee Lee noted that such programs have "actually fractured the police department's relationship with many in the American Muslim community" in the past.
Moreover, Cruz's characterization of why the New York City Police Department (NYPD) dropped the program "is an inaccurate description." In fact, "by the time that de Blasio and Bratton shuttered it, it was largely inactive. And over its six years, none of the information collected by the Demographics Unit led to a single case." The Post gave Cruz's claims about the merits of the NYPD's Muslim surveillance program "Four Pinocchios," a distinction the paper reserves for "whoppers" of misinformation:
And this is the guy who wants to tell Obama and Hillary what to do???
Look at those gams.