“Alarmed by the harsh attacks and negative tone of their presidential contest, broad majorities of Republican primary voters view their party as divided and a source of embarrassment and think that the campaign is more negative than in the past.”
(NY Times)
Sixty percent of Republican primary voters said the campaign had made them feel mostly embarrassed about their party. The reasons they cite are exclusively associated with the grotesqueness of the Trump campaign: his boorish, unpresidential demeanor, lack of substance, and advocacy of violence.
And yet, 46% say that they favor him to be the party’s nominee, twenty points higher than their next choice, Ted Cruz. In fact, half of all voters said they would be “scared” if Trump were elected president, and another 19% said they would be “concerned.”
So Republican voters are saying that they want Trump to be president despite the fact that they are embarrassed by him as a candidate and afraid of the prospect of his presidency.
What sort of sickness would cause people to make such contorted decisions about something so important?
“The fact that his hateful idiocy has caught on with a significant faction of the Republican electorate isn’t his fault. Trump’s support isn’t coming from the back seat of his limo. There are actual voters lining up to align themselves with his noxious brand and without them he would be an asterisk in the polls.”
Not mentioning names, but I actually am familiar with four or five people who fit that description.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/24/2016 9:36 am)
What A Fool Believes.
He wants to get rid of First-Amendment protections so reporters who are mean to him go to jail.
He says advocates for freedom of speech are “foolish people”.
He loves it when protesters get beat up.He loves the police, right or wrong.
He likes eminent domain so corporations can shove people out of their homes.
He wants to hit ISIS with a general like Patton, the guy who slapped a soldier suffering from PTSD, or MacArthur, the guy who wanted to invade China without approval from Washington.
He wants to kill the families of ISIS members, and bomb Iraq’s oil fields and refineries.
Because a billion Muslims hate us so we need to hate em back.
He wants to bring back waterboarding and go even further; he has no problem trying to order soldiers to break the law.
He’s pro-Israel, and neutral on Israel, and he’s going to get rid of the Iran deal, and enforce the Iran deal.
He has multiple positions on Syrian refugees.
He blew off Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, saying it’s important to remain friends with Russia; he praised Vladimir Putin’s leadership.
And of course threatening to nuke Mexico and then hope that the fallout doesn’t wipe out San Diego or Texas.
He wants a 45 percent tariff on Chinese goods, which would violate WTO laws and ensure that American goods can’t be sold anywhere. A job killer.
He refuses to increase the minimum wage.
He claims he would be a great negotiator on trade; in reality his deals usually consist of conning people out of their money and running away when his schemes fail.
He likes school choice, which will gut our schools.
He hates gun control, and has a concealed carry permit.
He wants more homes to have guns.
He wants to overturn the court ruling allowing same-sex marriage.
He wants to get rid of Obamacare.
He claims that childhood vaccinations lead to autism.
He insists that climate change is a hoax; he opposes efforts to limit carbon emissions.
He made up stories about New Jersey Muslims celebrating on 9/11.
He started the birther nonsense and then tried to blame it on Hillary.
PS this jackass who doesn’t believe in women’s rights or the First Amendment or Obamacare or citizenship rights or LGBT rights or your right to your property….wants to appoint a bunch of Supreme Court justices.
That leads to a broader question. He has made clear in his debates and other public appearances that he has no clue about policy, in any area. So presumably if he gets to the White House he would surround himself with good advisers?
Would they be the same supply-side arch-partisan neo-con maniacs who advised George Bush?
Look at the people he hangs around with.
(Yeah, but Obama sat in Jeremiah Wright's church for all those years...yada, yada, yada)
Trump has embraced an insane pastor who claims the Sandy Hook kids died as part of a hoax so Obama could take all your guns.
He’s a big fan of Alex Jones who thinks the government was responsible for 911, the Oklahoma bombings, and “murdering” David Koresh.
His political pals, who could become his key advisers, include Jeff Sessions, Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Jan Brewer, Kris Kobach of Kansas, Joe Arpaio, Rudy Giuliani, Steve Forbes and Pat Buchanan.
His other pals include Le Pen of France, Jerry Falwell Jr, Gary Busey, Mike Ditka, Hulk Hogan, Bobby Knight, Mike Tyson, Anne Coulter, Lou Dobbs, Phyllis Schafly, Paula Jones, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent. These are the people he listens to.
And his favorite foreign policy adviser. Himself.
And you know who will be Trump’s White House mastermind, his chief of staff, the one who steers policy and manages the Trump Administration?
Corey Lewandowski, that psychotic who physically tackled a female reporter and got arrested for it. This is a guy who, even according to other Trump staffers and Republicans, doesn’t know a thing about politics or strategy, who treats women like dirt, and who has an explosive temper.
This is the guy we would rely on to STOP Trump from doing crazy things, and he’s crazier than Trump is.
(Yeah, but Hillary lied about Benghazi and 4 people died and she put our country in danger by using her personal server..yada, yada, yada).
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/28/2016 7:05 am)
Then there's this....
Donald Trump has called for dismantling NATO, invading the Middle East to destroy its oilfields, building a wall on the southern border, and now arming South Korea and Japan with nuclear weapons.
He and Putin should just ride off into the abyss.
The crazy lunatic that made "America HATE again".....he needs to go away...far, far away