Hi everyone! Its TGIT again....
I'm watching Greys anatomy, Scandal...and.......?
What are you watching??
Where are the leaders of the TV thread??? The smart know ....Reality and NE that know everything on TV tonight
I am watching AI. It seems it is going so fast this year. They only have a couple of weeks left. Anyone have a favorite. I really don't I don't think I have had a real favorite since Carrie Underwood
Its TGIT wheeeeeeeee !!
Big Bang Life in Pieces x 2 2 Broke Girls Rush Hour (Pilot)
You Me Apocalypse The Blacklist Shades of Blue (season finale)
TGIT Greys, Scandal The Catch
and as Reality already said American Idol
Is the OJ story Crime Story on FX almost over?
Reality -- I don't watch American Idol...if I had to DVR everything and the sit down to watch..I wouldn't get anything JLO said that there are rumors that it may not be the final season for it, or that perhaps another station will pick it up....I loved Carrie Underwood too...what a voice!
NE---JLO was on the view today ...and she said Shades of blue has been renewed....that's the one I forgot to watch tonight after
Thanks for the responses ladies!
I think it has 4 more episodes to go. My daughter and I watch it on Wednesdays when I get home from work and even get take out food. It's so weird when I see a witness I will say i remember that testimony LOL. After all these years I still remember
Spunky wrote:
Reality -- I don't watch American Idol...if I had to DVR everything and the sit down to watch..I wouldn't get anything JLO said that there are rumors that it may not be the final season for it, or that perhaps another station will pick it up....I loved Carrie Underwood too...what a voice!
NE---JLO was on the view today ...and she said Shades of blue has been renewed....that's the one I forgot to watch tonight after
Thanks for the responses ladies!
JLo would know if its coming back-she's an exec producer I think I am 2 episodes behind but I love the show
Remember when Sap fell off a building? Was there lots of guts and gore? No !! Happy me
NE....OMG..that was horrible, but he didn't fall,I believe he was pushed!
Reality...I can't wait for your court recall so many details that I wonder if you are there in that court room as an investigative
Coming soon to Plan B!!
realityheaven16 wrote:
I think it has 4 more episodes to go. My daughter and I watch it on Wednesdays when I get home from work and even get take out food. It's so weird when I see a witness I will say i remember that testimony LOL. After all these years I still remember
Yep, same here about the remembering Reality No daughter or take out food though LOL
Hmm just checked imdb and they say 10 episodes with next week being The Verdict and the final 10th episode of this season.
Spunky wrote:
NE....OMG..that was horrible, but he didn't fall,I believe he was pushed!
(I must need caffeine)
I know he didn't fall, the bad dude pushed him but I was making the point that even something so yucky didn't show scary gore. (that's why I was happy-not happy Sap died)
Even Greys is going overboard this year on the ketchup and link sausages LOL
Oh I get it now..sorry, I'm a little slow
No gore...and I'm sure there would have been a lot of blood and yuck to see.
And you're right about Greys...what is all that??? I think they believe people want to see that??? Not me...I look away thru a lot of it......It's like that zombie show..ugh!!...and yet its right up there with NCIS as far as its ratings..
People like gore today....I want a story line...don't mind a killing or two, but some of these shows are going overboard with that stuff.
I got some Coke-I have caffeine now LOL
I read your response twice and it popped into my head that they are appealing to the lowest common denominator- The "children" -the coveted demographic 18-49. They love ZOMBIES and stuff.
Greys did not used to be like that at all. 12 years later they are going for the gross out factor, super graphic, close up, impossible, (literally) surgeries, and no storylines.
is this little dude a zombie? I can't see well enough LOL
Oh wow I didn't think we were already on the tenth episode. What will me and my daughter do on Wednesdays?? LoL
Don't worry Reality...NE will find something for you to watch..she's an expert on TV shows..!!
Love Grey's.
Scandal was really good last night.
Couldn't make it thru the Catch.....thought I could 'cause I liked it last week but....ummmm...don't know. It didn't grab me last night.
Good to know Zeke, I have all of them stacked on the dvr LOL. From what I read a lot of people weren't fans of Scandal last night because no mushy stuff for Olitz. I came for the politics and the "fixing" and even the spy stuff and of course Papa Pope
realityheaven16 wrote:
Oh wow I didn't think we were already on the tenth episode. What will me and my daughter do on Wednesdays?? LoL
Unreal starts June 6
NESunrise wrote:
realityheaven16 wrote:
Oh wow I didn't think we were already on the tenth episode. What will me and my daughter do on Wednesdays?? LoL
Unreal starts June 6
Is that a "dark" show? 'Reality' likes all the dark and weird, housewives, and bachelor, stuff....
although Idol wasn't a 'dark' show....
I guess she wants something to record so that she can view it later with her daughter and discuss.
Thanks really are the expert.