Now he is threatening the rnc, reform or face a tough July .IMO, the press is giving him less coverage than it used to. They created him but his story just isn't that interesting anymore..
I can't stand to look at his ugly face...the idiot man is ugly inside and out.
He said he's not sure if he'll keep Reince Priebus as chairman of the Republican National Committee.
He is such a bully. But he cries whenever he doesn't get his way.
I can not wait for July. It is going to be down & dirty in Cleveland.
I worry about more violence, hope I am wrong.
I worry about violence also. It seems Trump has brought out a lot of angry, hateful people. IMO
Cleveland has been doing so much work for this. Everytime I go downtown I realize just how much conserves do not deserve all this, especially Trump! We are a struggling blue-collar city & they couldn't care less about us. Our city may burn in July & for what? Republican ?
Last edited by Vantro (4/18/2016 10:19 pm)
I hope this is worth it for Cleveland. This year will certainly see something close to an interesting political convention. I don't know how they cant give it to Trump without things blowing up. If I were a Republican, Id have burned my membership card by now out of shame.