I was going to put this under JOKES, but actually it isn't a joke...he actually said this!! He is the joke!
“I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen, down on 7-Eleven, down at the World Trade Center, right after it came down,” the idiot said on Monday night.
"I wrote this out, and it's very close to my heart," he said at the outset of his remarks on Buffalo on Monday evening. "Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I've ever seen in action." The businessman did not correct himself.
Smh this "man" is a joke & this gaffe made me laugh. Normally I would think it was a simple mistake, but after everything else this man has gotten wrong during the campaign it is quite possible he meant 7-11.
I think the real joke is the people who will make up excuses for him when they've criticized others for their flubs. Re: the President saying there are "57" states or something like that, calling him stupid and all the hateful things, those same people will consider this just an honest mistake. The Republicans, in my opinion, have used 9/11 since it happened for political gain, it's shameful.
teluog wrote:
I think the real joke is the people who will make up excuses for him when they've criticized others for their flubs. Re: the President saying there are "57" states or something like that, calling him stupid and all the hateful things, those same people will consider this just an honest mistake. The Republicans, in my opinion, have used 9/11 since it happened for political gain, it's shameful.
I absolutely agree with everything you posted. Don't forget what Obama supporters were called when we defended him. We were called blind followers of our false Messiah! Lmao!!! Obama never lowered himself or said anything as disgusting as Trump! Many of Trump supporters are the most hypocritical, bigoted, racists, whom agree with everything he says, so of course he won't lose their votes. Who else will speak so openly for their hateful views?
OMG, that is embarassing. what a tool he is.
He's an idiot, but Im going to give him a pass and be far more graceful than those who wont let go of "corpsman", "57 states" and every other tired old Obama example that people drag up.