After months of gushing over the Donald for being the only non-scripted candidate who "tells it like it is",
Trump's new "mouthpiece" says it was all and act.
So does that mean there will be no wall and Mexico's off the hook for the bill?
Illegals will not be deported?
Muslims will not be banned from entering the country?
Yada, yada, yada...
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/22/2016 11:01 am)
How the frick can anyone take this man seriously? So what then of his supporters whom he has been courting for all this time? How is this suppose to work? He thinks he can keep his hate voters while trying to lure in the rational? As if we are going to forget this last year's freak show? What was the point of it all? Trump telling & showing America just how gullible, hateful & stupid she is? My head hurts.
I don't understand how his supporters can still stand by him after his campaign is admitting that he is putting on an act. How is one to know what they are going to get from him if he did make it to the White House. I just cannot believe this man still has any supporters.
I agree Vantro, it make my head hurt.
I quit watching the news months ago. I just can't take the focus on the . If I just read the news I can filter out his ugly, lying face.
In some ways he reminds me of the Wizard of Oz.......
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" ...yeah right.
April 2:Trump says we shouldn’t change abortion laws.
In a “Face the Nation” interview Donald Trump made a stunning statement on abortion. He revealed that he believes federal abortion law is “set” and that “we have to leave it that way.”
April 21: Trump told reporters he supports changes to the GOP abortion platform.
On the Today Show Thursday morning, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump expressed support for changes to the GOP platform on abortion.
As it stands, the Republican Party holds that "the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed" and supports legislation "to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children" with no exceptions.
Trump told Today Show hosts, however, that he would change the platform to allow exceptions in cases of rape and incest or instances where a pregnant woman's life is at risk. Asked whether he supported these exceptions and changing the official Republican platform to include them, Trump said "absolutely, for the three exceptions, I would."
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/22/2016 12:51 pm)