t seems like people say I could care less, meaning that they couldn’t care less. This is incorrect. The phrase has become so common, it’s as if people have changed it without realizing exactly what they’re saying. This handy graph shows exactly why the phrase should be I couldn’t care less, rather than I could care less.
In 1972, Ann Lander's sister and fellow advice-peddler, Dear Abby, used “could care less” in print and got an earful from readers. In 1975, the Harper’s usage dictionary declared that “could care less” was “an ignorant debasement of the language.” (Said panelist Isaac Asimov: “I don’t know people stupid enough to say this.”)
In 1979, William Safire declared in his New York Times column that “could care less” had finally run its course: “Like most vogue phrases, it wore out its welcome.”
A popular saying (variously attributed) defines insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” After 50 years, it’s not likely that the next iteration of the argument against “could care less” will change American usage. So let’s stash the phrase in the “idioms” bin, along with “head over heels” and “have your cake and eat it too."
(Jan Freeman:Throw Grammar from the Train)
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/05/2016 8:04 am)
Morning Mags.
Feel free to use or abuse the language however you like.
Do keep in mind, it can and will work work against you when interviewing for a job; unless perhaps you're applying for a job as a magician's assistant.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/05/2016 8:15 am)
PS: I do hope you realize that I enjoy teasing and joking with you.
Unlike with some others on the VRB, I don't think you have a mean bone in your body.
Maggie wrote:
I'm hoping to have more free time this summer so hopefully I can visit more often.
Quitting another job?
You're worse than Sarah Palin.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/05/2016 4:00 pm)
I hate to say this but Hillary Clinton used this phrase about a week ago. "I could care less". Well I'm glad she's not perfect. Perfect is boring.