Donald Trump recently denied that he ever tried to pass himself off as his own publicist “John Miller” in the early 1990s.
If that’s indeed the case, he should probably have a talk with his 25-years-younger self. [url= ,,20115561,00.html]He called it “a joke gone awry” then[/url], even though he denied it on the Today show Friday.
"Just two weeks ago, though, Ms. Maples was not even taking The Donald’s calls. Not after a PEOPLE reporter played her a tape on June 26 of a man saying that he was a Trump publicist named John Miller.
A shocked, devastated Marla identified the voice as that of Trump himself.
He announced, among other things, that he’d traded in his Georgia peach for an Italian model (Carla Bruni).
“When I heard his voice on that tape saying those things, I said, ‘Whoa! Uh-uh. No more,’ ” says Marla. “If he could say all that stuff and act like it’s cool to have this playboy image, then oh my gosh, all I could say was, ‘Baby, you’re on your own.’
”…The John Miller fiasco he called a joke gone awry. “What I did became a good time at Mar-la’s expense, and I’m very sorry,” says the newly humbled tycoon.
Guess what possums? That's not the weirdest part.
The former People magazine reporter Sue Carswell, who interviewed Donald Trump spokesman "John Miller" in 1991 said Friday that the developer later admitted that he was the spokesman — and suggested that Trump most likely leaked the tape to The Washington Post because "I lost the tape… 25 years ago."
Carswell then threw a new wrinkle into the controversy when she told Kelly that "the main thing here is that I didn't leak the tape — and there are two people on the conversation.
"Who else would have had a copy of the tape?" Kelly asked.
"Donald Trump," Carswell responded.
"You are suggesting Trump leaked this to The Washington Post?"
"Why?" Kelly asked.
"You got me. He has done stranger things."
"Because he loves publicity?"
"You are suggesting that he may want us talking about this right now because it generates a new cycle, perhaps?"
"Hello, Donald," Carswell responded, laughing.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/14/2016 7:08 am)
This entire thing with Trump is so over the top. We are witnessing the biggest affluent brat have tantrums until he gets his way. I have no more words. I have called him every name in the book. I have analyzed his bigoted hateful words & actions. Nothing matters. Nothing changes. No matter what he will always have the support of America's worst ppl.
That so many Americans could embrace this piece of trash for President, if they can accept him they'll accept anyone, it'll just keep getting worse as people lower their standards further and further. Doesn't bode well for this country. We're the laughing stock of the world. I no longer have any respect for the Republican party and what they used to stand for. They used to make fun of Obama before he won the first time, calling him a star and putting him down for it, now they're supporting an actual reality TV star with a wife who has stripped for money. The only truthful thing the man has said was that he could shoot someone and his supporters wouldn't care, he knows what kind of people he attracts that's for sure. First they put Bush in office and any idiot could see he wasn't smart enough to string two sentences together let alone run the country. Then along came Sarah Palin, she can't even make it through one sentence without sounding like she's delusional. Who's their next choice down the line, think about that for a minute, it's so unbelievably scary.
teluog wrote:
That so many Americans could embrace this piece of trash for President, if they can accept him they'll accept anyone, it'll just keep getting worse as people lower their standards further and further. Doesn't bode well for this country. We're the laughing stock of the world. I no longer have any respect for the Republican party and what they used to stand for. They used to make fun of Obama before he won the first time, calling him a star and putting him down for it, now they're supporting an actual reality TV star with a wife who has stripped for money. The only truthful thing the man has said was that he could shoot someone and his supporters wouldn't care, he knows what kind of people he attracts that's for sure. First they put Bush in office and any idiot could see he wasn't smart enough to string two sentences together let alone run the country. Then along came Sarah Palin, she can't even make it through one sentence without sounding like she's delusional. Who's their next choice down the line, think about that for a minute, it's so unbelievably scary.