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5/14/2016 12:46 pm  #1


Anybody see this on HBO? (I know I'm slow, as I just watched it yesterday and it was released last month).

I must be honest, I kept passing on watching because I didn't expect it to be any good. But yesterday it was a choice between Dinosaurs and Politics. Politics won LOL

So,(much to my surprise) I thought it was GREAT. The acting, the producing, directing, editing. The whole enchilada. I didn't feel like it really took any side (kudos) except to show how far we have come in sexual harassment in such a short time. I also liked that it brought back memories of watching the real hearings on TV. It definitely portrayed an honest look at old white senator men and the politics of such. It was political theater at its best and worst.

Anybody else see it? Like it ? Hate it? Could give a rats patootie?


5/18/2016 11:05 am  #2

Re: Confirmation

Will watch it soon. Have to figure out how to watch HBO Go on computer. Is it one part or go on forever?


5/23/2016 12:47 pm  #3

Re: Confirmation

Hey Zeke, its a standalone movie. So figure about 2 hrs

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