Remember Mary Lou Bruner?
That's mary Lou on the left standing next to Ted Cruz's father and an unidentified person who was in charge of costumes and refreshments.
The good Christian woman from East Texas claimed President Obama was a drug-addicted gay prostitute in his youth.
Anyhoo, she was defeated by a chiropractor in a Republican primary runoff election Tuesday, losing her bid to become one of the top education officials in Texas.
(Whoda' thunk it, this being Texas and all.)
The 69 year old former kindergarten teacher (those poor kids) had used her Facebook page to post her extreme views on politics and education.
Ms. Bruner called the Boy Scouts “a homosexual organization” and declared that because of her conservative views, Mr. Obama “has had me investigated.”
She encouraged parents to home-school their children because that was “the only way you can be in control of what they are taught,” and claimed that school shootings across the country had begun “after the schools started teaching evolution.”
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/25/2016 10:49 am)