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6/16/2016 2:40 pm  #1

AFL-CIO and Oprah Endorse Hillary

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6/16/2016 2:41 pm  #2

Re: AFL-CIO and Oprah Endorse Hillary

Ditto the NEA and FTA!

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6/16/2016 2:43 pm  #3

Re: AFL-CIO and Oprah Endorse Hillary

Nurses too!
American Nurses Association: "Hillary Clinton has been a nurse champion and health care advocate throughout her career and believes empowering nurses is good for patients and good for the country," Pamela F. Cipriano, president of the 3.4-million-member American Nurses Association, said in a statement. 

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6/16/2016 2:46 pm  #4

Re: AFL-CIO and Oprah Endorse Hillary

UAW endorses Hillary Clinton for president

“Hillary Clinton understands our issues on trade, understands the complexities of multinational economies and supports American workers, their families and communities,” UAW President Dennis Williams said in a statement.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/16/2016 2:47 pm)

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6/16/2016 2:48 pm  #5

Re: AFL-CIO and Oprah Endorse Hillary

USW Endorses Hillary Clinton
“Given her vast experience both with foreign and domestic policy, Hillary Clinton is a supremely qualified candidate, one of the most qualified candidates ever to seek the presidency,” said USW International President Leo W. Gerard. “These unique qualifications give her the vision and commitment necessary to continue to lead this country forward.

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6/16/2016 2:51 pm  #6

Re: AFL-CIO and Oprah Endorse Hillary

  Voters with bad credit are supporting Donald Trump

In a nationally representative survey of 765 potential voters, personal finance Web site WalletHub reported that a surprising percentage of voters with bad credit are supporting Donald Trump

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/16/2016 2:52 pm)

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6/16/2016 2:56 pm  #7

Re: AFL-CIO and Oprah Endorse Hillary

Donald Trump, who didn’t receive his first endorsement until three weeks after the Iowa caucuses, is the presumptive Republican nominee for president.

Trump will enter the Republican National Convention with the fewest primary endorsements — by far — of any major party nominee since at least 1980.

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6/16/2016 3:02 pm  #8

Re: AFL-CIO and Oprah Endorse Hillary

Local union leaders across the Rust Belt are voicing confidence that their members will stick with Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in the race for the White House.

Trump has courted organized labor aggressively, staking out hard-line positions against free trade and immigration that resonated with blue-collar voters in the GOP primary. 

Yet in interviews with The Hill, 58 local chapter leaders representing 19 unions in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin said they believe their members are overwhelmingly backing Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The leaders represent local chapters with membership ranging from dozens to more than 1,000.While many of their members have reservations about Clinton, the union leaders don’t see signs of a groundswell toward Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee.

“There’s nothing about Donald Trump that entices us when it comes to the construction industry,” said John J. Dougherty, business manager of the Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council,  a local branch of North America’s Building Trades Unions. 

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/16/2016 3:03 pm)

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