Former CIA director and CBS contributor Michael Morell debunked the “old conspiracy theory” pushed by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump that President Obama has supported terrorist groups.
In a Politico Magazine article, Morrell slammed Trump for reviving “inaccurate renditions of history” that have “no place in our public discourse.
”On June 15, Trump tweeted a Breitbart News article claiming that in 2012, “Hillary Clinton received a classified intelligence report stating that the Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq.”
Trump claimed that the Breitbart article vindicated his previous suggestions that Obama may be sympathetic to terrorists -- a charge that was buoyed by a host of conservative pundits, but drew strong rebuke from several other media figures.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/19/2016 6:20 am)
In a June 16 Politico Magazine article, Morell swatted down Trump’s “charge against President Obama and his administration” as a “simply not true” “conspiracy theory.”
Detailing from first-hand accounts that “[a]t no time … did the administration make a policy decision—either explicitly or implicitly—to support the Islamic State or its predecessor, Al Qaeda, in Iraq,” Morell explained that “in fact, the policy focus was quite the opposite.”
Morell noted that both the 2012 intelligence report and the interpretation of it suggesting that the president supported extremists were “simply wrong in its facts,” and ultimately wrote that “we should not let our understanding of that threat [of terrorism] be hijacked by inaccurate renditions of history”:
USA Today reached out to several Middle East experts about this. One such expert, Andrew Tabler, said:
“The US never supported AQ in Iraq — not sure where that came from.”
Another expert, Perry Cammack, called Breitbart‘s story “amazingly poor reporting,” and said:
“If anything the Obama administration has been criticized for doing too little to support the Syrian opposition, and it’s frankly for exactly this reason.”
As far as Hillary’s involvement, that’s Trump and Breitbart grasping at some very small, slippery straws. While the memo does list the office of the Secretary of State, Cammack says it would likely have been “read by worker bees,” and incorporated into a larger briefing for Hillary to review later.In other words, that notation is meaningless, and Trump’s accusation is baseless.
USA Today concluded their report by saying that Trump’s claims are the kind of conspiracy theories they’d debunk in an article, and debunk, they did.
They shot down this conspiracy theory rather soundly with basic research of which neither Trump, nor Breitbart, is capable (and they’ll eventually be banned for this).
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/19/2016 6:27 am)
The Pinocchio Test
This is what happens when people with little understanding of policy or context choose to willfully misinterpret documents. This is a relatively unimportant memo, with little information not in newspapers at the time.
Rather than showing that the Obama administration is supporting terrorist groups, the information in the memo demonstrates why the administration was so reluctant to back rebel groups in Syria, often to the annoyance of Republican hawks.
Moreover, the memo was not sent directly to Clinton’s office, as asserted by Breitbart.Trump, as a presumptive presidential nominee, really needs to rely on more accurate information when making factual claims. He yet again earns Four Pinocchios.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/19/2016 6:30 am)
The Guardian: “The Breitbart Report Is A Faulty Reading Of” The Memo. The Guardian noted that “The Breitbart report is a faulty reading of an internal intelligence document from 2012,” because the conservative news outlet was “conflating the opposition and the insurgency.” From the June 15 Guardian post
[T]he Breitbart report does not support the claim that Trump earlier said he didn’t make but now appears to have taken ownership of.The Breitbart report is a faulty reading of an internal intelligence document from 2012 about the security situation in Syria. The document notes that “the West” is supporting the Syrian opposition. It also notes that al-Qaeda is part of the insurgency. Incorrectly conflating the opposition and the insurgency, the Breitbart report concludes that the Obama administration supports al-Qaeda in Syria. [The Guardian, 6/15/16]
NY Times: The U.S. Was Not “Acting Side By Side With Al Qaeda,” They Were “Rivals … For Influence Over The Course Of The Revolt.” New York Times’ Cairo bureau chief and Middle East correspondent David Kirkpatrick explained in a post the same month the memo cited by Breitbart News was sent that the U.S. was not “acting side by side with Al Qaeda.” Kirkpatrick pointed out that “A group as numerically tiny as Al Qaeda could never by itself steer a movement as large as the Syrian revolt. And even if Al Qaeda or other anti-Western militants are seeking to exploit or direct the Syrian uprising — why wouldn’t they? — that merely makes them rivals to the West for influence over the course of the revolt.” From the August 21, 2012, blog post:
ThinkProgress: Breitbart’s “Interpretation Of The Memo Was Widely Debunked At The Time.” ThinkProgress detailed how Breitbart’s “interpretation of the memo was widely debunked at the time,” citing Middle East scholar Juan Cole who ridiculed “the idea that the memo proves that the U.S. was supporting ISIS as ‘an unfounded conspiracy theory.’” From the June 15 report:
The publication of Breitbart’s article is unusual since its interpretation of the memo was widely debunked at the time.Middle East scholar Juan Cole derided the idea that the memo proves that the U.S. was supporting ISIS as “an unfounded conspiracy theory.” Rather, it was a “correct assessment of where things were going in Syria.” The memo states that “those powers (e.g. Turkey and the Gulf monarchies) supporting the opposition wanted to see the declaration of a Salafi (hard line Sunni) breakaway statelet, in order to put pressure on the al-Assad regime.”It does not say the United States supports an Islamic State and “warns that any such development could lead to the break-up of Iraq, an eventuality that the authors clearly felt was undesirable.” [ThinkProgress, 6/15/16]
I must say that this is really a person that just about "EVERYTHING' that come out is mouth is a lie, but some people just do care.