Pur, pur Rhoda..
Rhoda the over sharer from PA posted:
I can't see how that (Obama campaigning with Hillary) will benefit her. With his record of disaster as a President and her admitting she is planning on carrying on his agenda, well....does she really think that will endear her to so many who do not want more of Obama? Maybe I am dreaming but I do not think it will help her.
Sweetie, you do know that there are still two candidates on the Dem ticket?
Obama was trying to be fair to Sanders and his supporters, so he waited to endorse Hillary until it was inevitable that Bernie didn't have a chance.
As far as Obama's dismal record....
Throughout history, presidents have taken an active interest in the elections of their successors.
That is unless their considered a liability.
Presidents with low approval ratings — like George W. Bush in 2008 and Lyndon Johnson in 1968 — were liabilities for the party candidates seeking to succeed them (John McCain and Hubert Humphrey).
Obama doesn't appear to have historic handicaps as he hits the campaign trail in his lame duck year. His approval ratings have inched above 50%, and both Clinton and Bernie Sanders have made clear they would welcome the president's support.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/05/2016 8:58 am)
Rho, you're not dreaming, you're hallucinating.
Obama's approval rating is near its highest point ever — and that could be a big problem for Donald Trump.
"I'm fired up," Obama said in a video endorsing Clinton last month.And, apparently, he's ready to go.
In a newly released Washington Post/ABC News poll, Obama's approval rating hit 56% — his highest level since 2011, after the killing of Osama bin Laden.
Last month, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that President Barack Obama's approval rating had jumped to 51% — its highest point since his second inauguration.
NBC's team of political analysts called it the "most important number" out of the poll.
"Why is it important? Because it means that Obama will be an asset to Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail".
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/05/2016 9:05 am)
Mrs. Ed posted:
I can't believe his approval rating is above 50%! The numbers have to be rigged.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/05/2016 9:38 am)