Very worried for Cleveland. The cops are already getting punchy. The chief says we are ready for the convention. Union leader says we are not. This is so messed up! If they are confused then what position does this leave police & protesters in? Leaders are the failure in all of this. Always have been. You all know I have highlighted the issues with Cleveland police & leadership for years now & unfortunately you all are about to see it for yourselves. Please oh please let me be wrong.
Vantro wrote:
Very worried for Cleveland. The cops are already getting punchy. The chief says we are ready for the convention. Union leader says we are not. This is so messed up! If they are confused then what position does this leave police & protesters in? Leaders are the failure in all of this. Always have been. You all know I have highlighted the issues with Cleveland police & leadership for years now & unfortunately you all are about to see it for yourselves. Please oh please let me be wrong.
I was thinking about making a thread about this. I am worried for you Vantro, and the rest of the city. This is reminding me of another convention a long time ago and after I have coffee I may remember which one.
I'm very worried too. Especially with the master instigator there.
I'm afraid some people will get hurt...and he will love it for the attention it gets him.
Loomis imo would love for a riot to start. He is chomping at the bit to place all of Cleveland PDs problems on anyone but themselves. If he can gain sympathy for police here then everyone will forget or forgive their abhorrent actions, along with the DOJ reports. Tamir who?
Oh & this is also going on here,
Attorneys for the estate of Tanisha Anderson have amended their U.S. District Court complaint -- originally filed Jan. 7, 2015 -- and filed a motion to include an expert's report, alleging that Cleveland Police used excessive force, there was a denial of medical assistance, it was a wrongful death and there was assault and battery and violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
And there are others. I live here. It is not a war zone. Why then do police pretend it is? They instigate or escalate a lot. The media will never show or report that though. With all of this going on, unarmed deaths, the DOJ report & lawsuits yet ppl still want to deny that there are major problems within Cleveland's PD. Smh
Matt Pearce @=1px !important7 minutes agoEverybody's legally bringing guns to the Republican National Convention protests, but there had to be a court battle over parade permits.
I hope things stay calm but I am worried also. There is just so much hate in America right now. As Spunky said, the master instigator (and manipulator of his Trumpsters) is just going to amp everyone up. Then we have a troubled Police force...
I've been thinking about you Vantro with the convention in Cleveland. I think your concerns are legitimate and shared by many. Hoping everything is ok and the convention comes and goes without incident.
“The last thing in the world we need is anybody walking around here with AR-15s strapped to their back,” he said. “And the absolute tragedy in Dallas is proof positive that we just cannot allow that to happen. I would really just beg these folks, just leave your guns at home. Come, say whatever it is that you want to say, make whatever point it is that you want to make, but it’s going to be very, very difficult to deal with the R.N.C. as it is.”
-Cleveland Police Union President, Steve Loomis
He added that officers were already in a “heightened state” because of the passions generated by the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump, on both sides and the security challenges as thousands of delegates fill the city.
I can't believe he said something that was not stupid! But then again he had no issue with this until he heard the New Black Panthers were rolling into town with guns. Angry White Republicans who support Trump coming to town with guns are just fine though.
Vantro wrote:
“The last thing in the world we need is anybody walking around here with AR-15s strapped to their back,” he said. “And the absolute tragedy in Dallas is proof positive that we just cannot allow that to happen. I would really just beg these folks, just leave your guns at home. Come, say whatever it is that you want to say, make whatever point it is that you want to make, but it’s going to be very, very difficult to deal with the R.N.C. as it is.”
-Cleveland Police Union President, Steve Loomis
He added that officers were already in a “heightened state” because of the passions generated by the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump, on both sides and the security challenges as thousands of delegates fill the city.
I can't believe he said something that was not stupid! But then again he had no issue with this until he heard the New Black Panthers were rolling into town with guns. Angry White Republicans who support Trump coming to town with guns are just fine though.
Holy shit Vantro! I just read about the New Black Panther Party planning to hold rallies in Cleveland in conjunction with the republican convention and will be packed with 'legal heat' if Ohio's open-carry laws allow. Is there anything Ohio can do to stop this? The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated this NBP Party as a hate group, why would they be allowed to open carry given this designation? Have we learned nothing from Dallas where police were gunned down and an innocent mom was wounded trying to protect her children during a peaceful demonstration? There must be something we can do to stop this! If not there is the strong possibility that Ohio, its citizens and police department will suffer greatly along with the rest of our nation.
I don't live in Ohio but want to know if there is anything I can do to help. I am more than willing to write legislators in Ohio if it would help. Your thoughts? This is such a volatile situation for Cleveland fueled by Trump and the irresponsible behavior of other republicans and supporters that just don't give a damn! Enough already!
Riot gear is their answer. You see my issue is with Loomis, as well as other leader's responses, which are not consistent. First this is what happens in a gun loving culture who decides open carry is a good idea. Second these same leaders had no issues with white hate groups coming here in the exact same manner. The group is called the National Workers Party. They are a white supremacist hate group with nazi platform. They have made plans & supposedly are bringing guns. Many delegates are going to be packing. Cleveland hasn't seen this many guns sine the 1970s mafia! Again, this city is not a war zone. Our crime fair for a large city. Far from perfect, but we aren't Chicago. Well i will let you know after next week.
After five police officers were killed in an ambush shooting in Dallas on July 7, Stephen Loomis, the president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, urged people not to take their guns anywhere near downtown during the Republican National Convention because officers were already in a “heightened state.
On Sunday, as news broke that three officers had been killed in Baton Rouge, La., Steve Thacker, 57, of Westlake, Ohio, stood in this city’s Public Square holding a semi-automatic AR-15.When asked about Mr. Loomis’s comments and the Baton Rouge shooting, Mr. Thacker said despite the shooting, he wanted to make a statement and show that people can continue to openly carry their weapons.
I'm really worried that the GOP convention is going to have trouble....And the main instigator will more than likely encourage it.
Last edited by Spunky (7/17/2016 5:58 pm)
I agree Spunky. I have been seeing pictures of the wackiness (nice word) in Cleveland currently and the main event hasn't even started.
I hope Vantro takes a vacation for a week !
This just popped up! Morons abound!
Guy cuffed by Secret Service. Reportedly tried to steal gas mask from police officer #RNCinCLE #gopconvention
And then there's this:
"We are sending a letter to Gov. Kasich requesting assistance from him. He could very easily do some kind of executive order or something -- I don't care if it's constitutional or not at this point," Stephen Loomis, president of Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, told CNN. "They can fight about it after the RNC or they can lift it after the RNC, but I want him to absolutely outlaw open-carry in Cuyahoga County until this RNC is over.
"Kasich, responding to the request, said: "Ohio governors do not have the power to arbitrarily suspend federal and state constitutional rights or state laws as suggested."
"The bonds between our communities and police must be reset and rebuilt -- as we're doing in Ohio -- so our communities and officers can both be safe. Everyone has an important role to play in that renewal," he said.
So in other words...come on people....BRING IN THE GUNS!!!! Uggg!
Edited to add: an experienced law enforcement person, should know what could happen....and NO ONE is listening to him...he's desperately trying to get someone to do something before the unimaginable happens. Or he could be a wolf in sheeps clothing trying to make himself relevant.
Last edited by Spunky (7/18/2016 7:43 am)
Kasich will not allow a suspension of the open carry law as requested by the police. My fiancé is a engineer/reporter who has been issued a gas mask and an armored vest per protocol for all covering the convention. My thoughts and prayers are with Cleveland residents and her guests.