Donald Trump is one of those white people who thinks that anyone who has a “heritage” other than white gets special treatment. He literally thinks that Elizabeth Warren got ahead because she is part American Indian.This is not true.
The Atlantic pointed out in 2012, when this false attack first started, that Warren never sought to take advantage of affirmative action policies during her education:
Warren, who graduated from the University of Houston in 1970 and got her law degree from Rutgers University in 1976, did not seek to take advantage of affirmative action policies during her education, according documents obtained by the Associated Press and The Boston Globe. On the application to Rutgers Law School she was asked, “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?”
“No,” she replied.
The New York Times called this attack on Warren “straight from the Republican cookbook of fake controversy.” They also noted, “For the Cherokee Nation, Warren is ‘Indian enough’; she has the same blood quantum as Cherokee Nation Chief Bill John Baker.
”False controversy is false, so naturally Donald Trump, who relies on Breitbart and Drudge for his news, is using this stale, debunked attack."
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/17/2016 11:31 am)
It figures....the leader of the liars...rides again.....
what a disgusting low life he is.....I've seen the new ad that HC put out as he says disgusting things...about shooting someone on 5th avenue, and still his followers will vote for him, about blood coming out of her wherever, imitating the handicapped reporter, with hand gestures.......and they show 2 kids looking sadly at the TV....scary lunatic this idiot is.
But they don't see that he is treating them like idiots and laughing at how stupid they are.
I want to see those tax returns....hey Donald.....go Donald.....where are those tax returns??? we all need a good laugh....liar!