Here are some of the highlights of Trump's post convention interview with "Sleepy Eyes" Chuck Todd.
Trump attacked the women accusing ousted Fox News CEO Roger Ailes of sexual harassment.
Trump said he would create multi-million dollar super PACs to defeat his Republican opponents who didn’t endorse him.
Trump said he’s expanding his proposals to ban Muslims from the U.S.Trump maintained that he might not honor U.S. commitments to NATO
Trump did not completely rule out supporting former KKK grand wizard David Duke in his run for Senate
Trump described his speech at the Republican National Convention as “optimistic”
Trump bragged that WWE CEO Vince McMahon liked his entrance at the Republican convention
Trump floated withdrawing the United States from the World Trade Organization
*Cuckoo rating scale.
I Cuckoo
Illogical thinking — Unusual or exaggerated beliefs about personal powers to understand meanings or influence events; illogical or “magical” thinking typical of childhood in an adult.
2 Cuckoos
Above plus...
Belittling or looking down on people you perceive as inferior.
A sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry.
Trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism.
Rage or contempt toward anyone who doesn't totally agree with you.
3 Cuckoos
Above plus...
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/25/2016 8:13 am)
His comments regarding NATO have caught the attention of some, causing them to question his real relationship with Putin! I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I can see why there are questions.
And we should also mention....WHERE ARE THOSE TAX RETURNS????!
Edited to add: LOCK HIM UP! He's a liar, a thief, and racist.
Last edited by Spunky (7/25/2016 6:23 pm)
Love the Cuckoo ratings..
Vantro wrote:
His comments regarding NATO have caught the attention of some, causing them to question his real relationship with Putin! I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I can see why there are questions.
I read in the NYT today that DT deals alot with Russia since most of our banks in the US won't lend him any money due to all of his bankrupcies.
Perhaps his tax returns will clear that up......oh wait....he refuses to release them.