Proud to be a Democrat........ALL the speakers tonight at the DNC are just wonderful. THIS is class.
Last edited by zeke (7/25/2016 9:32 pm)
Cory Booker was excellent also!!
I was in another room and had to come in here to watch Cory! Just wow!
They both make me feel hopeful for our country!
Me, too, Spunky. And now, I'm feelin' the Bern....
What did you think about Bernie, Spunky?
Bernie.....honest and truthful....
Last edited by zeke (7/25/2016 10:04 pm)
Bernie needs to move on....this is supposed to be about HC....
Now Spunky, don't mince your We need his supporters, though. Bernie was telling them to support Hillary. Loved Sarah Silverman when she said to the Bernie're being ridiculous. I like her and she is so beautiful.
zeke wrote:
Proud to be a Democrat........ALL the speakers tonight at the DNC are just wonderful. THIS is class.
it was great last night loved it
zeke wrote:
Now Spunky, don't mince your words....
lol. We need his supporters, though. Bernie was telling them to support Hillary. Loved Sarah Silverman when she said to the Bernie're being ridiculous. I like her and she is so beautiful.
That was great to hear her say that and I think she is right they are being ridiculous, when you lose you get over it and move on, you don't replay the game.
Spunky wrote:
Bernie needs to move on....this is supposed to be about HC....
So very true
Michelle's speech was terrific, a great speech.
She had the best words, people loved it.
Now if she could only master the "runway walk".....
she looked great, I don't know how people can be so bitchy about her.
Michelle Obama repeated the advice she and her husband have shared with their children.“When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level,” she said. “No, our motto is: ‘When they go low, we go high.’”
A night full of hope for the future, compared to the crowd that thinks America isn't great anymore!
Bernie has moved on. Why are ppl saying he hasn't? He made that more than clear in his speech. He cannot help that a few of his supporters are as dumb & stubborn as all of Trump's! Most adult Bernie supporters moved on long ago, but unfortunately some the younger supporters are still dreamers. Ah the days of hope!
Vantro wrote:
Bernie has moved on. Why are ppl saying he hasn't? He made that more than clear in his speech. He cannot help that a few of his supporters are as dumb & stubborn as all of Trump's! Most adult Bernie supporters moved on long ago, but unfortunately some the younger supporters are still dreamers. Ah the days of hope!
I agree Vantro, Bernie has moved on & wants his supporters to unite with Hillary. I think after the week of uplifting speeches & party unity, most will.
So true about the hopeful days of youth. When we had the strength to fight for our convictions. Those were the days!
Vantro wrote:
Bernie has moved on. Why are ppl saying he hasn't? He made that more than clear in his speech. He cannot help that a few of his supporters are as dumb & stubborn as all of Trump's! Most adult Bernie supporters moved on long ago, but unfortunately some the younger supporters are still dreamers. Ah the days of hope!
I have to agree....but at first I was nervous....he seemed to relish the applause and it sort of made me think he would say "ok...lets march on". I just wanted him to be stronger towards his people that are still lingering on thinking he could be the nominee. It gives DT hope that they will swing over to support him....
I really liked what the comedian Sarah Silverman had said to "Bernie-or-bust" people: "You're being ridiculous."
But I guess he didn't want to go there with them. So on to day 2!
esm wrote:
she looked great, I don't know how people can be so bitchy about her.
thats what people do, they don't need a reason, and that's part of what makes it so sad
Spunky wrote:
Vantro wrote:
Bernie has moved on. Why are ppl saying he hasn't? He made that more than clear in his speech. He cannot help that a few of his supporters are as dumb & stubborn as all of Trump's! Most adult Bernie supporters moved on long ago, but unfortunately some the younger supporters are still dreamers. Ah the days of hope!
I have to agree....but at first I was nervous....he seemed to relish the applause and it sort of made me think he would say "ok...lets march on". I just wanted him to be stronger towards his people that are still lingering on thinking he could be the nominee. It gives DT hope that they will swing over to support him....
I really liked what the comedian Sarah Silverman had said to "Bernie-or-bust" people: "You're being ridiculous."
But I guess he didn't want to go there with them. So on to day 2!
I would say they just don't want to, in most cases if not all when you lose you move on, no one replay a game once your team as lost
teluog wrote:
A night full of hope for the future, compared to the crowd that thinks America isn't great anymore!
Teluog I agree with you 100%
That is true snapzz. Hopefully the movement will prevail. I have hope, especially with a win for Hillary. I believe Bernie will hold her true to the platform. This is the youth's future & they seem to be going in the direction of progress.