Donald Trump, chairman and president of the Trump Organization, spoke at a National Press Club luncheon on May 27, 2014.
Humpitty Trumpitty tweeted:
"Hillary's wars in the Middle East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS across the world."
What wars would those be?
President Bush invaded Afghanistan in 2001.
He invaded Iraq in 2003.
Hillary Clinton, back in 2001, was a newly elected senator from New York. In 2003, she was still a senator from New York. She didn’t start any wars.
Previously, of course, President Obama has been blamed by Republicans for Bush’s wars, even though in 2001 and 2003 he was an Illinois state senator and could not have started a war had he wanted to.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/29/2016 9:37 am)
Trump: "We pay rent for our base to Saudi Arabia".
The last base in Saudi Arabia was closed in 2003. At least that's the official story. Unless he was misquoted, it looks like he was speaking in the present tense. Or maybe he was just being ignorant and stupid, which is a major possibility.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
As usual, Hillary & the Dems are trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Same as last time w/ Bernie. Unacceptable!
Then, Trump gave an interview to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, in which he claimed that the NFL was up in arms about the debate schedule.
I got a letter from the NFL saying, ‘This is ridiculous. Why are the debates against—’ ‘Cause the NFL doesn’t wanna go against the debates. ‘Cause the debates are gonna be pretty massive, from what I understand, Okay? And I don’t think we should be against the NFL. Brian Stelter Verified account @brianstelter[/url]Top [url= ]@NFL spokesman tells me: "While we'd obviously wish the debate commission could find another night, we did not send a letter to Trump."
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/31/2016 6:22 am)