"You, Mr. Trump have made no sacrifices".
Trump criticized the Gold Star parents for calling him out.
He said that his idea of sacrifice is running a business and employing thousands of people.
Now about Donald's service record or lack there of....
Trump received five separate deferments during Vietnam.
Four of them were education-related. One was due to this:
Trump received a diagnosis that would change his path: bone spurs in his heels.
The diagnosis resulted in a coveted 1-Y medical deferment that fall, exempting him from service in Vietnam when the United States was undertaking huge troop deployments to Southeast Asia, inducting about 300,000 men into the military that year.
Shades of Rush Limbaugh.
Wasn't "El Rusbo" deferred for having boils on his ass or something similar?
Trump compares avoiding STDs to fighting a war.
“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (8/02/2016 7:28 am)
Trump might not be an actual veteran, but the Republican presidential candidate claims he "always felt that I was in the military," thanks to his time at a military-themed boarding school.
In an interview for his biography Never Enough, Trump talked in typically blunt terms about how his high school years spent at New York Military Academy provided him with "more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military," according to quotes provided to The New York Times.
I still say this man nee professional help
snapzz wrote:
I still say this man nee professional help
Hello snapzz, I so agree with you!
I have been wondering why no one in the media is bringing up Trump's lack of service during the Vietnam war. Especially now when he shows such lack of respect for those that do serve.
cossysmom wrote:
I have been wondering why no one in the media is bringing up Trump's lack of service during the Vietnam war. Especially now when he shows such lack of respect for those that do serve.
I'm guessing because the future, current, and some recent past potus's or potus wannabes didn't serve for various reasons. Just a guess