Good morning everyone
Today there will be three brain Teaser today for two reasons, the first is because they are sooooooo very easy and second is because there will not be one on Friday due to, two deaths in my family within one week.
And with that being said here is today's Brain Teaser
1. What is always coming, but never arrives.
2. Imagine you are in a dark room, how do you get out.
3. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of brick.
Good luck all and have a great day
p.s. tell your family how much you love them and give them a BIG HUG, because you never know if you will see them again.
1) tomorrow?
2) stop imagining.
3) A pound weighs a pound no matter what.
Sorry snapzz about your family members. Life can be so difficult some times.
Sam wrote:
1) tomorrow?
2) stop imagining.
3) A pound weighs a pound no matter what.
Wow Sam you are correct I told you it was easy, good job so until next Wednesday, enjoy your day and have a great weekend.
Sam wrote:
1) tomorrow?
2) stop imagining.
3) A pound weighs a pound no matter what.
Wow Sam you are correct I told you it was easy, good job so until next Wednesday, enjoy your day and have a great weekend.
Sam wrote:
Sorry snapzz about your family members. Life can be so difficult some times.
Thank you
snapzz wrote:
Sam wrote:
1) tomorrow?
2) stop imagining.
3) A pound weighs a pound no matter what.
Wow Sam you are correct I told you it was easy, good job so until next Wednesday, enjoy your day and have a great weekend.
Thanks snapzz. I do love riddles.
Thanks also for posting these brain teasers. It is fun to try & solve them.
Sending loving thoughts for your family.
snapzz wrote:
Good morning everyone
Today there will be three brain Teaser today for two reasons, the first is because they are sooooooo very easy and second is because there will not be one on Friday due to, two deathsin my family within one week.
And with that being said here is today's Brain Teaser
1. What is always coming, but never arrives.
2. Imagine you are in a dark room, how do you get out.
3. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of brick.
Good luck all and have a great day
p.s. tell your family how much you love them and give them a BIG HUG, because you never know if you will see them again.
Snapzz, I am so sorry to hear of the deaths in your family, you have my deepest sympathy.
Condolences on the deaths of your family members....Take care of yourself....we will always be here for you in your time of sorrow.