Debate Commission Fires Back After Trump Criticizes Schedule.
“The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) started working more than 18 months ago to identify religious and federal holidays, baseball league playoff games, NFL games, and other events in order to select the best nights for the 2016 debates.
(So stop lying about Hillary having anything to do with it.)
It is impossible to avoid all sporting events, and there have been nights on which debates and games occurred in most election cycles. A debate has never been rescheduled as a result.
“As a point of reference, in a four-year period, there are four general election debates (three presidential and one vice presidential) and approximately 1000 NFL games.“
The CPD selects the debate dates a year in advance in order for the television networks to have maximum lead time and predictability in scheduling these extremely important civic education forums.
The CPD believes the dates for the 2016 debates will service the American public well.”
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (8/01/2016 12:47 pm)
Trump on Saturday took to Twitter to criticize the schedule of debates between him and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
“As usual, Hillary & the Dems are trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Same as last time w/ Bernie. Unacceptable!”
The commission has scheduled three debates between the nominees — Sept. 26, Oct. 9 and Oct. 19. The first two debates would conflict NFL games.Trump told ABC News Saturday,
“I got a letter from the NFL saying, ‘This is ridiculous. Why are the debates against?’ ‘Cause the NFL doesn’t wanna go against the debates.”
An NFL spokesperson later denied that the league had sent Trump any such letter.
"Somethin's tellin' me widdle Donny is afwaid to debate mean old Hillowy"
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (8/01/2016 12:55 pm)
Trump is such a liar and He is just trying to find a way to weasel out of the debates with Hillary. He knows that he doesn't stand a chance against her and is scared to death of doing the debates. I am looking forward to those debates but I am not holding my breath that he will do them.
Hi Need!
Yes that's exactly what he wants to do...back out of debating HC....she will sweep the floor with him as he knows NOTHING.....
and that mobster/Russian campaign manager won't be able to help him. He plays this rough and tough BS...but that Manaford character is just luring him in.....stupid, stupid man.
I just hope the rest of the GOP wakes up and comes to their senses.....they are in collusion with Russia/Putin and I hope it won't be too late to save themselves....what a mess this crazy man has made of their party.
Last edited by Spunky (8/01/2016 7:11 pm)
#TrumpDebateExcuses The moderators will ask questions with words I don't know about policies I've never heard of & she'll know the answers.
#TrumpDebateExcuses I am meeting with Sarah Palin for intelligence and foreign policy briefings
"I'm busy being audited." #TrumpDebateExcuses
"No sane person would participate in a presidential debate while they're being audited. Everybody knows that. Everybody."#TrumpDebateExcuses
#TrumpDebateExcuses cuz date night with Putin
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (8/02/2016 9:31 am)