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8/13/2016 8:55 am  #1

Help Wanted: Trump Sitters

Ever since the conventions, Trump has become increasingly erratic and impulsive. Look at what has happened since Cleveland and Philadelphia: horrible conduct toward the Khan family, the Purple Heart incident which offended vets, refusing to endorse other republicans, seeing a video that didn't exist, calling Hillary a monster and the devil, saying Obama founded Isis, saying Obama didn't and then sort of did, claiming he'll win PA (down by 15) and if he doesn't it's because Hillary cheated, telling followers to monitor polls on Election Day, insisting on campaigning in states that never go republican, and then the other day thinking out loud that maybe someone would knock off Hillary and then claiming he just wants gun owners to vote.

Now according to MSNBC, Trump is no longer to campaign without some republican official - a Trumpsitter.

Back with a vengeance possums!

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