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8/18/2016 6:53 am  #1

Dr. Jane Orient, Hillary's Health

Prognosis: Negative!

Dr Jane's diagnosis....based on photographs and videos:

Strangely silent is the mainstream media about the fitness of the Democrat candidate. And causes for concern are growing. Without considering any statements she has made or positions she has taken, and without presuming to speculate on psychiatric diagnoses, one can point to certain observations.

There’s the photograph of Secretary Clinton’s difficulty walking up some steps. Now inability to climb stairs does not necessarily disqualify a person for public office. However, neither she nor people with her apparently anticipated a problem. The people helping her seem to be preventing a fall. Did she simply trip? Or was it a seizure or a stroke?

(I'd say a trip or seizure. If it was a stroke, they would have had to call 911 and at the very least she would be admitted to hospital for a day or two for observation, but hey, I'm no doctor.)

Videos widely circulated on the internet are, if authentic, very concerning.

One shows prolonged, inappropriate laughter; another, strange head movements. In a third, she appeared momentarily dazed and confused, and lost her train of thought.

(Prolonged AND inappropriate laughter? Strange head movements? Are we talkin' Linda Blair? Momentarily dazed and confused and losing her train of thought? Sounds like somethins' not right in the ole' noggin' to me.)

Here's my favorite.................
Reportedly, she has a volcanic temper. (This is probably not new.)

(So that Secret Service guy and Ed Klein were right, She did throw that vase at Bill and give him a black eye.
Oh Yeah,  she screamed at children during the annual Easter Egg Roll: "Get off my f*ckin' lawn you little b@stards".)

No, this is my favorite......

A man who stays close to her
(Duh! Hillary's a lesbian don't ya know.)

who is reportedly not a Secret Service officer, was photographed carrying something in his hand that purportedly might have been an autoinjector of Valium.
(Might have been?)

While we don’t have Mrs. Clinton’s medical records
(You don't have Donald Trump's either, ditto his tax records)

it is widely stated that she experienced a fall that caused a concussion.

(I believe her doctors stated that publically at the time it happened.)

Since then, she is sometimes seen wearing eyeglasses with prisms, as are used to correct double vision.
( Sometimes is like years ago. She now wears contact lenses almost exclusively.)

Concussions often cause traumatic brain injury, which might not be visualized on standard CT or MRI. Many of our veterans who experienced blast injury from improvised explosive devices suffer from it.
These are some symptoms: difficulty thinking, attention deficits, confusion, memory problems, frustration, mood swings, emotional outbursts, agitation, headaches, difficulties with balance and coordination, and seizures. Many veterans with such an injury cannot hold a job or interact normally with their families.

(OK, what am I missing? Someone threw an explosive device at Hillary?
Hillary served in combat?)


Last edited by DollyLongstaff (8/18/2016 7:34 am)

Back with a vengeance possums!

8/19/2016 6:23 am  #2

Re: Dr. Jane Orient, Hillary's Health

I don't know whats currently worse: those made-for-TV seizure clips of Hillary, or the "ransom" we paid for the Iranian hostages. 


8/19/2016 6:41 am  #3

Re: Dr. Jane Orient, Hillary's Health

I never realized that so many Americans are so gullible. It is very sad that our society is so dumbed down that people believe these stories only fit for The Enquirer.

It would be kind of funny if it weren't so frightening. 
3 months from now we could be facing President Trump.  


8/19/2016 8:12 am  #4

Re: Dr. Jane Orient, Hillary's Health

Now we have Katrina Pierson diagnosing Hillary with ‘Dysphasia’.

Back with a vengeance possums!
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