The biggest travesty in the media is the double standard being applied with respect to Hillary's e-mails. Compared to the immediately preceding administration, Hillary's e-mails were just a rounding error. Yet, no one raises this on TV for context. Instead, for every crazy thing Trump says, does or proposes, the media goes back to e-mails in order to push a false equivalency.
Up to 22 million White House emails may be missing, according to the US Attorney General. The emails, requested as part of a congressional investigation, could not be produced because they were sent on a non-governmental email server.
Here’s a video of the Attorney General’s announcement.
This appears to be a violation of the Presidential Records Act and the Hatch Act. Should we impeach Hillary Clinton now or later?
Not so fast.
The 22 million emails were lost in 2007. Under the Bush Administration.
Yes, Bush. George W, to be exact.
Was anyone impeached? No.
Was anyone prosecuted? No.
Were the Republicans up in arms? No.
Was Karl Rove on Fox News every night calling for anyone to resign/be impeached/ be fired?
Because Karl Rove, Bush chief-of-staff at the time, deleted them.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (8/23/2016 7:09 am)
These would have been emails about WMDs and false narratives about going to war with Iraq.
I have mentioned this tidbit of info during convos & not one conserve will even acknowledge it. It is as though they have been stricken by deafness or blindness when they are confronted with it.