The media seem to be laying off Trump's doctor. They've repeated the NBC News story — Dr. Harold Bornstein says he wrote the Trump medical letter in five minutes — but the media have gone no further.
The Clinton campaign pointed out some problems with the letter, but not these:
Does anybody believe that a doctor who has been practicing for decades and has a fancy NYC address does not have printed stationery?
The letter about Trump’s health is not on stationery, obviously, the names and addresses are just typed in.
Does anybody believe that a billionaire would use a gastroenerologist as his general doctor?
Does anybody believe that Bornstein actually wrote that letter?
Many commentators have noted that it does not read like a doctor’s letter.
One possibility is Trump and his minions produced it and Bornstein signed it.
But how about this: While there is a huge space for the signature, the signature is actually way below where anybody would sign if presented with the printed sheet.
It sure looks like the doctor signed a blank piece of paper and the letter was printed over top of it.
Either of these would explain why it’s not on the doctor’s stationery.
If Trump created the letter, that would also explain why the doctor's dead father is listed at the top.
DT wrote that letter, NOW he thinks he's a doctor too!!
and he has the nerve to challenge HC to submit a medical report....she did already....a "real" one....he'd better go get his BP checked he's looking awfully RED lately....