And how many people are in the audience? Lol.
Trump abruptly ended his speech, which had lasted six minutes. More heckling followed him out.
One black woman, Reneta Richard, yelled at him "What do you mean, 'African-Americans have nothing to lose?'" repeating back to Trump his recent call for African-Americans to turn their back on Democrats and vote for him.
(This might be his last attempt to garner the black vote)
Last edited by zeke (9/14/2016 8:03 pm)
What a guy
The pastor interrupted the Republican presidential nominee during his speech Wednesday to ask him to refrain from attacking his rival Hillary Clinton."Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we've done in Flint, not give a political speech," Rev. Faith Green Timmons of the Bethel United Methodist Church told Trump after walking to the podium while Trump was speaking.
I just read in the NYT's ...that he is already insulting Pastor Faith Timmons!!“Everyone plays their games, it doesn’t bother me,” Mr. Trump said, claiming Pastor Timmons was shaking when she came up to him.He added: “She was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess. I figured something was up.”
And he added that she PLANNED this whole fiasco that he created. He was upset and angry because she didn't let him get away with it.
And this idiot wants to garner the "black vote"...go
Last edited by Spunky (9/15/2016 10:52 am)
I just want to scream when I hear stories like this about him. How in the world does he get away with it????
Hah. This time he didn't get away with it. She may have been nervous when she approached him because of all the cameras and people present. But the bottom line is that she stopped him in his tracks. He didn't get away with his normal shit.
but now he's bad mouthing her saying she planned it. that's what he gets away with! and his lemmings just follow along and believe what he says!
I don't think anyone who has a brain thinks she planned it. If you look to the very end of the video, she came out from behind the curtain and quieted that heckler. I loved seeing his stupid face when she stopped him.
But it doesn't bother him. He is such a terrible person that nothing phases him. He probably has a Borderline Personality Disorder. He's nuts.
Last edited by zeke (9/15/2016 6:40 pm)
Spunky wrote:
I just read in the NYT's ...that he is already insulting Pastor Faith Timmons!!“Everyone plays their games, it doesn’t bother me,” Mr. Trump said, claiming Pastor Timmons was shaking when she came up to him.He added: “She was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess. I figured something was up.”
And he added that she PLANNED this whole fiasco that he created. He was upset and angry because she didn't let him get away with it.
And this idiotwants to garner the "black vote"...go
Trump displayed what is typical bully behavior, deflection and "it didn't bother me", in response to being confronted. We should all learn from her and teach our children to do the same. Bravo Pastor Timmons!!