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9/28/2016 8:49 am  #1

How Many Trump Lies Did You Hear At The Debate?

Here's one:
“I was just endorsed by ICE,”Trump boasted about two-thirds of the way through the presidential debate, referring to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. “They’ve never endorsed anybody before on immigration. I was just endorsed by ICE.

It would have been a historic endorsement. If it had actually happened. But it didn’t.

“Per the Hatch Act, federal agencies are prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity including the endorsement of any candidate for office,” said ICE spokeswoman Sarah Rodriguez. “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has not and will not endorse any candidate for office.”

Trump: "I was just recently endorsed—16,500 order Patrol agents.”

The National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, a union representing 5,000 immigration officers. His campaign announced the backing Monday morning, noting it was the first time the group had endorsed a presidential candidate.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (9/28/2016 8:55 am)

Back with a vengeance possums!

9/28/2016 9:28 am  #2

Re: How Many Trump Lies Did You Hear At The Debate?

Trump On Ford Leaving The U.S.

Trump's Claim He Received A "Small Loan" From His Father

“It has not been easy for me. And you know I started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.”–Donald Trump, at a town hall appearance, Oct. 26, 2015

Trump Denied Calling Climate Change A "Hoax"

"Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese..." –Hillary

"I did not say that." –Trump

Trump's Refusal To Release His Tax ReturnsLIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump is wrong about financial disclosures being better than tax returns. 

Trump's Advocacy For Stop-And-Frisk

The Pinocchio Test

Trump highlights the policies of Giuliani and directly ties the policies to the declining violent crime and homicide rates in New York City. First, Trump chooses a timeline that shows the best data possible: Between 1994, when Giuliani took office, and 2014, when stop-and-frisk ended.

Giuliani left office in 2002, and a new police commissioner was appointed under Giuliani’s successor, Bloomberg.But Trump credits 12 years of New York crime rates to city leadership that took office after Giuliani. Specifically under Giuliani, the homicide rate and violent crime rate each declined about 18 percentage points less than Trump said in his speech.

This is quite ridiculous; it’s the equivalent of saying the tax cuts under President George W. Bush resulted in the job growth under President Obama.

It’s debatable whether the stop-and-frisk policies had such a direct impact on crime, as Trump suggests. Crime is affected by many factors, and New York’s decline in crime mirrored the decline in many other major cities at the time.

Moreover, crime was declining for four years before Giuliani took office, and it continued to decline for 14 years after he left. So it’s quite debatable that Trump can definitively give credit as he did in his speech.

Without the fudging of numbers, this might have been in the realm of a Two Pinocchio rating. But stretching out Giuliani’s policies to the crime rates over 12 years after Giuliani left office tips it up to Three.Three Pinocchios

Trump's Years-Long Promotion Of Birther Conspiracies​

“You know who started the birther movement? You know who started it? Do you know who questioned his birth certificate, one of the first? Hillary Clinton. She’s the one that started it. She brought it up years before it was brought up by me.”

The Pinocchio Test

There’s no evidence to support Trump’s repeated claim that Clinton “started” the birther movement and was one of the first to question Obama’s birth certificate. He could blame the actions of Clinton’s supporters during the 2008 primary or say the rumor has some Democratic roots.

But there’s no evidence that she or her campaign questioned his birth certificate or his citizenship. Further, the campaign denounced isolated instances of Clinton’s staffers questioning whether Obama was Muslim.

Four Pinocchios 

Trump's Iraq War Support

For months, Donald Trump has claimed that he opposed the Iraq War before the invasion began — as an example of his great judgment on foreign policy issues.But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion.In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.“Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

Trump's Remarks About Women

Clinton: Trump called pregnant employees 'an inconvenience'.Our rulingClinton said that Trump called pregnancy "an inconvenience" for business owners. Trump indeed used that word in a 2004 interview with NBC’s Dateline."The fact is it is an inconvenience for a person that is running a business," Trump said.Clinton’s claim is accurate. We rate it True.

NB: Trump is supposedly (at least fpr now) pro-life.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (9/28/2016 10:01 am)

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