It gets really frustrating when you want to post something but there is no where to post where you won't step on someone elses post. I find it very frustrating. I also get frustrated when I put up a post and someone else come along and makes a post and wipes mine off the front page. It seems like there must be a better way. Maybe the without categories (like the view board used to be) so we aren't replacing other peoples posts when we post one. What do you all think.
Another idea is maybe having more than one post for each category showing. For example maybe showing the latest three showing on the main page. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Hi Need! Those sound like excellent ideas..
.I have no idea how to do that...I'm not computer literate at all.
Send Vantro a PM... and tell her your suggestions...she's the resident expert.
Anything that makes it easier for our members is great,
Ok, I will do that Spunky thank you.
I'd like to suggest a separate category for the brain teasers
I have looked into the suggestions. This mb is free so we are limited on the forum. I have added subcategories in general, but I do not think it solves much. I will create separate brain teasers category. In case folks are unaware be sure to check any category which has a star on the folder. Indicates new posts. Please share any other ideas!