GO Orange Cheeto, GO!!!
Yes, I am enjoying it!
They knew about this racist, liar, drug addict and didn't stop him...they just went along endorsing him and agreeing with EVERYTHING he was saying .....and they agreed with ALL of his insults (if they didn't agree with him they should have stood up against the BULLY, but they didn't)...
That crazy monster insulted and belittled over 275 people/ they do deserve this lunatic....AND I am enjoying the implosion..
Don the Con is now insulting them...karma is a bitch
It is a sight to behold isn't it?
I think this is the end of the Republican party as we know it. It will be transformed into something new. None of these Republican leaders know what to do. Do they stick with the party? Do they denounce this maniac? Which will hurt them the least? They really have to do some self reflection and make some hard decisions.
I hope that once the election is over and Trump is out of their hair they will really do some serious collective reflecting on how they got to this place and really be honest with themselves about how they opened the door to the Trump hijacking of their party. I hope this whole nightmare will serve to bring them back to their senses and find their collective mind that they completely lost when Obama got elected. Maybe in the long run it will result in a more sane and functioning legislative branch.
I can't fully blame the Republican party for this fiasco. It started with the media giving him all the coverage because he was a joke. They gave no attention to the "real" candidates until it was too late. Now no one in the party knows what to do because they're afraid that no matter what they do they're going to hurt their own chances for re-election