The casual racism that has come to define modern-day conservatism shows no signs of abating.
A West Virginia official, Clay County Development Corporation Director Pamela "Billy" Taylor, just shared a racist message about First Lady Michelle Obama.
“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing an ape in heels” she wrote on Facebook in a now-deleted message that has been replaced with a cursory and insincere apology, according to WSAZ News.
Beverly "Lavonne" Whaling, the Mayor of Clay, responded to the post saying “Just made my day Pam.”
Classy and dignified indeed...
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (11/15/2016 8:07 am)
Nice...our new first lady. What a joke.
They both just resigned or were fired-
I am glad they lost their jobs. That kind of thing is completely uncalled for especially by elected officials. It just floors me the sheer hypocrisy that I am now witnessing. I mean these people lost their poop when Michelle wore a sleeveless dress. They felt that was inappropriate for a First Lady they said. Now all of a sudden it is perfectly ok for the incoming first lady to have posed for nude photos. This is just one of many things that republicans are being hypocrits about.