Twice in recent history (Gore and now Hillary) the candidate with the most votes lost to the candidate with the most electoral votes.
I say it's time for one person, one vote and the candidate with the most votes wins.
BTW: The election is over and Trump won the electoral college, but... votes are still being counted, giving HRC a substantial and growing lead in the popular vote.
Now winning by more than half a million votes nationwide, Clinton is in a position shared by only four other presidential candidates in American history.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (11/15/2016 7:13 am)
Electoral college needs to go. It started out as something racially charged & once again it has saved white America from having to share the country with minorities. Hmmm has the EC ever benefited Dems?
Come on liberals STOP with the high road, because it is a dead end. Fight fire with fire! You can't win when they cheat, lie & sellout the country. Stop allowing, yes allowing the right to provoke & then play victim. Challenge them on EVERYTHING! Stop allowing disinformation to permeate the real media. Stop saying, "just ignore them". Your den autopsy should be fairly simple, stop being nice! Oh & filibuster, filibuster, filibuster. Fire.
I have been trying to do that all along on facebook. Facebook has been overrun with sites reporting false news and I believe it had a big impact on this election. So many people believed all the garbage they read there. Problem is they won't be convinced that those things are not true. I have tried.
I agree need. FB was so frustrating throughout the Election cycle. False memes that people took as the truth. It is so hard to convince someone of the truth.
Speaking of truth, it is hard to find on the Internet. Who knows what to believe anymore? But at least we know to fact check & try to sort out the truth. Some people just look for "news" that fit their beliefs. Breitbart News is an example of this. Some people think that is real journalism ( think Keep/naddy). Now one of the executives that founded this Right Wing rag is the President elect's right hand man.
What can we do to try and change the EC system? It seems after every Presidential election, we have this discussion but nothing ever happens to change it.
Appeal to dems in regards to the EC. Force their hand. Make them tackle it. I know Obama is taking on redistricting, so maybe he can lend a hand on this? I don't know, but the only ppl capable of initiating change are those in office. It is a start.
I am willing to try Vantro. I am not on FB. Is there another way of communicating? I want to fight this, too.
Zeke please visit:
Southern Poverty Law Center
Council on American-Islamic Relations
The Trevor Project
Anti-defamation League
Border angels
Campaign zero
You can also check on your local & state reps. Write letters. Sign petitions. Make calls. If you are not up to writing then you can search & other similar sites for ways to get your voice heard. Protest if you are up to it. Check in with Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Most importantly fight to clean up disinformation. You cannot fight an invisible enemy. We must bring rationality, facts & evidence back to the forefront. Stop post-truth!
Good luck on the battlefield & know I am right there with you!
Last edited by Vantro (11/17/2016 1:31 pm)
Hillary now winning popular vote by 1.5 million votes.
How do we communicate with the dems in the Senate and Congress though. In my state we can only email those who represent our district. I suppose writing letters can be done. I agree that we need to demand our democratic representatives and Senators to stop being silent and stand up to the repubicans and Trump. He is going to try a lot of garbage once installed in office and we need them to keep him in check.