Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/19/2016 11:46 am)
First of all, this is not an unprecedented act. The New York Times notes that in 2009 “five Chinese ships swarmed an American surveillance vessel, the Impeccable, 75 miles off Hainan island, the southernmost province of China… the Chinese ships got as close as 25 feet from the ship in what the Pentagon called ‘illegal and dangerous’ maneuvers.” Such posturing is common among the armed forces of major powers.
China has since announced they will return the drone. Trump said they should keep it. (Dope)
But it was Trump’s spelling that made headlines. The tweet was quickly deleted by Trump, but the internet saved screenshots for posterity – and even the Merriam-Webster dictionary’s account couldn’t help but poke some fun at digitally deficient demagogue.
Merriam-Webster ✔ @MerriamWebster[/url]Good morning! The #WordOfTheDay is...not 'unpresidented'. We don't enter that word. That's a new one. 8:41 AM - 17 Dec 2016[url= ]
Definition of HUH—used at the end of a statement to ask whether someone agrees with you See the full definition…
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/19/2016 11:50 am)
Maybe he meant himself.....Unpresidented...