Well I tried to see Manchester by the Sea but it was sold out so I saw Passengers. If you love J Lawrence then go but if not, take a pass. The costar is very, very cute and likable. And oddly, Larry Fishburne popped into the movie...weird. Must have gotten a nice bit of change for that.
I've seen Moonlight...excellent but sad...tear jerking parts.
Saw La La Land but only small parts....will see the end. My kind of fantasy.
Oh...LION...really good. Heart wrenching and worth seeing for sure. Should get some awards, I hope. The kid was outstanding.
Last edited by zeke (1/03/2017 9:28 pm)
I love the premise of Passengers but was disappointed a little in the movie. I think maybe because I'm not a big sci-fi space fan. But I would so hop on that ship and travel to another planet if i could hibernate all the way there.
Absolutely loved Lion! I knew the story before I saw the movie. A number of people were balling by the end of the movie. It doesn't seem to be in all the theaters but if you can find it, see it!
cossy....what other movies have you seen?
I haven't seen Hidden Figures, Manchester, Fences and a lot of others.
Have you seen LaLa Land?
no desire to see La La Land for some reason.
I did see Hidden Figures. Not the best movie I've ever seen but certainly worth seeing. I think the film should be shown to all middle schools students--boys and girls--so they can see what a part women have had in the space program. They need to see what women can achieve! And the movie was about the Black women at NASA--who really had a difficult time. Like I said, not my favorite movie but definitely and important movie.
Hi cossy.....
Saw Hidden Figures and Manchester.......
Agree....Hidden Figures not the best film but was likable. I thought the acting was good.... worth seeing.
Manchester.....I liked it but it was kind of like viewing a still life painting. Long and tedious in parts. I think this is the year of disappointing endings.....not necessarily a bad thing. But I am from the generation that likes happy endings....perhaps not always so realistic.