I think the protesters are going about this all wrong. Don't boycott the store, boycott the brand. Why should the store suffer?
Supposedly Ivanka's "line" will still be available at Dress Barn and Catherine's.
I read an article that said they were dropping her line because it wasn't selling. I noticed at Christmas her items were on sale the entire time but there were tons of her stuff everyone I went into the store.
Last edited by Teachesk (2/04/2017 11:30 am)
While I would not buy Ivanka's brand, I will not boycott the store. I think only a small portion of us Trump deniers will boycott. I saw what Teachesk saw, that Nordstom's dropped it because of lack of sale. I think it was the pressure also. I highly doubt people will pay for her overpriced products that are made in China. If it was a big seller, Nordstom's might not bow to the pressure so easily.
The only place I have ever boycotted was KFC for the sickening way they treat chickens. I am on like year 12 with that boycott.
In the article that I linked to it said:
"Nordstrom announced Thursday night that it was dropping the brand created by and named after President Trump's daughter, but denied that it was a result of the #GrabYourWallet boycott campaign that put the company on blast...On Twitter, Nordstrom repeatedly responded to consumers who inquired about the Ivanka Trump brand and said they would not be shopping at Nordstrom until it ceased carrying Trump products...On Twitter, Nordstrom repeatedly responded to consumers who inquired about the Ivanka Trump brand and said they would not be shopping at Nordstrom until it ceased carrying Trump products...But, after the store announced it would stop carrying the Ivanka Trump line, it began to receive criticism on Twitter from customers who accused the store of playing politics.Customers supporting the Trump administration began tweeting at Nordstrom that they would now boycott the store because of its decision to drop the brand."
so what I was referring to was the "#Grab your wallet" boycott, which in turn prompted a boycott by Trump supporters. Who's the loser here? Nordstroms. It isn't right.
Teachesk wrote:
I read an article that said they were dropping her line because it wasn't selling. I noticed at Christmas her items were on sale the entire time but there were tons of her stuff everyone I went into the store.
I can see why its not selling
cossysmom wrote:
In the article that I linked to it said:
"Nordstrom announced Thursday night that it was dropping the brand created by and named after President Trump's daughter, but denied that it was a result of the #GrabYourWallet boycott campaign that put the company on blast...On Twitter, Nordstrom repeatedly responded to consumers who inquired about the Ivanka Trump brand and said they would not be shopping at Nordstrom until it ceased carrying Trump products...On Twitter, Nordstrom repeatedly responded to consumers who inquired about the Ivanka Trump brand and said they would not be shopping at Nordstrom until it ceased carrying Trump products...But, after the store announced it would stop carrying the Ivanka Trump line, it began to receive criticism on Twitter from customers who accused the store of playing politics.Customers supporting the Trump administration began tweeting at Nordstrom that they would now boycott the store because of its decision to drop the brand."
so what I was referring to was the "#Grab your wallet" boycott, which in turn prompted a boycott by Trump supporters. Who's the loser here? Nordstroms. It isn't right.
thank you for the update
Sam wrote:
While I would not buy Ivanka's brand, I will not boycott the store. I think only a small portion of us Trump deniers will boycott. I saw what Teachesk saw, that Nordstom's dropped it because of lack of sale. I think it was the pressure also. I highly doubt people will pay for her overpriced products that are made in China. If it was a big seller, Nordstom's might not bow to the pressure so easily.
The only place I have ever boycotted was KFC for the sickening way they treat chickens. I am on like year 12 with that boycott.
that me Sam love "Nordstom's I just don't buy "Ivanka"
I wrote my last post quickly, I hope I didn't come across snippy. I didn't mean to, just clarifying.
I was at DSW about a week ago and saw Ivanka's shoes there. I walked right by--couldn't even tell you what they looked like! Even if they were my most favorite shoes in the store, I wouldn't have bought them.
Macy's is considering doing the same. I'm contacting them to let them know I will cancel my Macy's card if they don't.
but Dolly, isn't enough to just boycott the brand?
I agree with you Cossysmom. Boycott the product, not the store. The stores carry more than her products (obviously) If the stores are left with unbought merchandise, they will stop carrying it. Simple business 101.
And she has not as of this weekend cut her ties(the ones she needs to in order to not be in a conflict) to he business. Its simple, White House or your Brands.
If Trump supporters want to buy her stuff, that's fine with me, but I won't buy it. But I WILL by other products in the store. Why should the store suffer?