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2/07/2017 9:32 pm  #1

phones in the theater

Sunday evening I went to the movies.  (no Super Bowl for me...I figured it would be a good time for a movie since everyone would be watching the game)  There were 5 of us in this particular, a woman who sat two rows behind me, and a mother and two children who sat about 5 rows in front of me.    The woman behind me spoke on her phone throughout the entire movie.  I turned around and "gave her the stink eye" several time to now avail.  Finally, I gathered my things and moved a few rows behind her figuring I would hear her less if I sat behind her.  Why does someone pay the price of a movie ticket (which ain't cheap!) and talk on the phone the whole time?


2/07/2017 9:43 pm  #2

Re: phones in the theater

I totally agree!!!
Also......the kicking of the chair. What?!!!
I have gotten into many ugly situations over these things. And gum popping....don't get me started.


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