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2/07/2017 8:25 am  #1

Some Trump Funnies

I don't normally agree with Maureen Dowd, but her latest column did have me laughing.

Some quotes...

WASHINGTON — Now, stacked on the Trump tower of petrifying things we have to worry about — war with Iran, war with China, war with Mexico, war with Islam, war with koala bears — there is yet another looming disaster.The East Wing is perilously behind in planning for the Easter Egg Roll. Is the White House dropping the ball — or rather, the ovoid?

As our omnipresent new president hijacked our reality, the first lady vanished, sparking headlines for nary a glimpse in D.C. since the inaugural.

Just as there is a gush of leaks from the resistance in the federal government about President Trump’s erratic and impulsive behavior, there are whispers about Melania’s elusive and sphinx-like behavior. 

The Times’s Julie Hirschfeld Davis wrote about the anguish of anonymous D.C. sources who fear the annual egg roll and other “elaborate White House events that are among the heaviest tasks for first ladies” are languishing in the deserted East Wing, as are unanswered requests for White House tours.

While Melania plays Rapunzel in her Fifth Avenue tower, Steve Bannon is reveling in his role as the troll under the bridge. Beauty and the Beast.

First ladies have also often played critical roles when they thought advisers were overreaching. Nancy Reagan gave chief of staff Donald Regan a push and Laura Bush did the same with Donald Rumsfeld.Melania has never played that role with Donald.

It was Ivanka and Jared who helped purge Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort. It seemed like Ivanka was going to assume some of the first lady portfolio, but right now she is too busy saving her brand from her father’s careening debut.

For this administration, there’s a better use for the empty East Wing: Move in the first First Shrink. edited by DollyLongstaff (Today 7:44 am)

Back with a vengeance possums!

2/07/2017 8:26 am  #2

Re: Some Trump Funnies

Sean Spicer says Trump doesn't own, let alone wear a bathrobe.

No.1: How does Spicer know that?


Back with a vengeance possums!
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2/07/2017 8:26 am  #3

Re: Some Trump Funnies

Single Digit Crowd Shows Up At So-Called Rally For Trump in Portland.

Back with a vengeance possums!
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2/07/2017 8:27 am  #4

Re: Some Trump Funnies

Trump says he knows Obama likes him...he can "feel it".

Back with a vengeance possums!
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2/07/2017 8:46 pm  #5

Re: Some Trump Funnies



2/08/2017 8:06 am  #6

Re: Some Trump Funnies

Every time Trump says President Obama's name, I just want to slap his fat little face.



2/15/2017 12:32 am  #7

Re: Some Trump Funnies

Sam wrote:

Every time Trump says President Obama's name, I just want to slap his fat little face.




"The best candy shop a child can be left alone in, is the library"
Maya Angelou 

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