Whose bright idea was it to send Melania out to give a speech about what happens when a society diminishes women???
"Wherever women are diminished, the entire world is diminished with them." Melania Trump, speaking at the State Dept
Note to Republicans: What may sound like a good idea after a few late night "brewskies" often doesn't sound so good come the dawn.
Some tweets....
Melania Trump just gave a good speech on women's rights and fighting for justice, that we are all equal. Has she met her husband?
brutal subtweet of her husband's entire campaign
Melania Trump is fighter for equality. She believes that women tax payers should pay the same amount as male tax payers to keep her in NYC.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (Today 1:02 pm)
She doesn't have a mind of her own....he treats her like sh!t...and she takes weak!
So Melania can read. Wow. Booooring.....
t-Rump wants to know Melania's secret.
“.....her poll numbers went through the roof last week” he joked, “She has to give us the secret.”
A poll taken earlier this month shows a majority of people have a positive opinion of the First Lady, while Trump’s approval rating in Gallup this week is at 36 percent.
It's really no big secret, unlike the fact that Abe Lincoln was a Republican.
Melania has locked herself up in a high tower.
She rarely opens her mouth or tweets.
She stays as far away from her doofus husband as possible.
So, Donald Dick, there's you're key to high approval ratings.
Anyone who would marry this greasy, ugly, pig can't be too intelligent. The dumbing down of America.