Thought this would be a good place to put all the winning that is happening in our country, you know like a linear diary?
Plus our guests might have missed some of the winning because they were too enthusiastically defending "their" president. Either way... just an idea...
I just saw this so I'll start with it
The Hill @thehill 27 minutes ago
Ford to move factory to China after Trump pressures company not to move to Mexico.
Great. Post more here NE...I am sure there is plenty of material. Hope the cuckoos are happy. Their boy is in office.
NESunrise wrote:
Thought this would be a good place to put all the winning that is happening in our country, you know like a linear diary?
Plus our guests might have missed some of the winning because they were too enthusiastically defending "their" president. Either way... just an idea...
I just saw this so I'll start with it
The Hill @thehill 27 minutes ago
Ford to move factory to China after Trump pressures company not to move to Mexico.
so true
zeke wrote:
Great. Post more here NE...I am sure there is plenty of material. Hope the cuckoos are happy. Their boy is in office.
I would love to see more too! Its like a winning bunny hop
You win the title for least popular in 70 years. That's something!
Another win !!!And this: so much winning ...
compliments of public policy polling
New Quinnipiac poll:
33% approve of Trump
61% disapprove, 55% strongly
54% are embarrassed
57% say he's abusing power
I think 33% is too high. Who are the a_ _ holes?
zeke wrote:
I think 33% is too high. Who are the a_ _ holes?
ITA zeke...
Its the deplorables ...too stupid to see what he's know that he said he could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone...and they would still follow/vote for this stupid pervert !!
A lot of them are at that cuckoos board....just crazy, stupid people !!
NESunrise wrote:
You win the title for least popular in 70 years. That's something!
he just win so much, he right I am sick of winning so much.