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8/14/2017 8:23 am  #1

I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Feeling a bit nostalgic, I decided to take a quick fly over the "Cuckoo's Nest" to check in on some of our old acquaintances...err inmates.

"How were you able to do that, I thought the VRB  was an exclusive, pay to hate forum" you may very well ask.

As it turns out, their husbands either cut off there allowances or the cheapskates decided they weren't willing to waste their "pin money" just for the luxury of bitching and moaning about Hillary and immigrants in private.

Here's a brief report on what I discovered during my visit.

First, the home page.

As you might expect, there's a youge image of their hero "Orange Foolious".
Next to that you'll see an image of "flip flops".
Possibly a Freudian slip?
After all, "Der Furor" has been labeled the laziest president in history and nothing says lazy and leisure like flip flops, except maybe a robe and carpet slippers.

Next comes "The Rulz of this Forum" which includes a bastardization of my old persona, a charming image of the lovely and talented giga star "Dame Edna Everage".

I say bastardization, because the "administrator" quite obviously photo shopped the face of Linda Tripp 
over the smiling and lovely countenance of my comic idol. Sad!

Here's something that may surprise you.
There's very little cawing about Obama, but plenty about Hillary ( yes, still Hillary) and me of all people.
Yes possums, the wounds still haven't healed.
Here's some news about the most notable/notorious cuckoos.

GH Keep 
doesn't like the idea of Congress stifling Trump's powers,
while Nip 
wishes Trump could fire all the senators.

Sadly, Michaely 
  has given up on the bar business, finally realizing that even Trumpsters aren't stupid enough to pay for alcohol free cocktails.

Dust Bunny continues to age (ungracefully I'm afraid) wallowing in her memories and wearing her bunny ears at meals, which the staff allows her to do IF she promises to keep her dentures in at all times.
Denied was her request to wear her cotton tail on holidays. Her incontinence and a strong protest from the laundry department put the kibosh to that. TMI?

Alas, poor Maggie still has been unable to secure gainful employment, despite the fact that Trump has created over a billion jobs since his inauguration.

After a weekend at "Marriage Encounter", Rhonda and Carl 
have given up their "swinger" lifestyle.
Looking great (they obviously have been keeping to their strict rule of "no desserts on weeknights"), the couple has found fulfillment in their latest endeavor "Making America Great Again Through Macrame".

The "All American Couple" travel the nations highways and byways, setting up shop at state fairs, tractor pulls, gun shows and pigeon shoots vending Rhona's one of a kind  "Dream Catchers" to craft lovers and patriots.

So that's that for now.
Stay tuned.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (8/14/2017 8:24 am)

Back with a vengeance possums!

8/14/2017 12:33 pm  #2

Re: I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Thanks Dolly, I needed to laugh about something today!


8/15/2017 12:04 pm  #3

Re: I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Ha ha, that visual will be stuck in my head for awhile. The bigots must be frothing at the teeth


8/15/2017 1:17 pm  #4

Re: I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

A "little bird" informed me that since I posted this, the VRB scrubbed all there past threads so anyone who is not a registered user can't see them. Cowards. Sad!

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (8/15/2017 1:27 pm)

Back with a vengeance possums!
     Thread Starter

8/15/2017 1:51 pm  #5

Re: I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Really, I wonder why ?? LOL Just when tiki torches are all the rage


8/15/2017 11:05 pm  #6

Re: I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


8/16/2017 7:04 am  #7

Re: I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

DollyLongstaff wrote:

A "little bird" informed me that since I posted this, the VRB scrubbed all there past threads so anyone who is not a registered user can't see them. Cowards. Sad!

What? They aren't proud of their support for Trump?

I guess they really are embarrassed of what they post.

No surprise, they are pathetic!


8/16/2017 4:35 pm  #8

Re: I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Sam wrote:

DollyLongstaff wrote:

A "little bird" informed me that since I posted this, the VRB scrubbed all there past threads so anyone who is not a registered user can't see them. Cowards. Sad!

What? They aren't proud of their support for Trump?

I guess they really are embarrassed of what they post.

No surprise, they are pathetic!

I agree Sam!...Just look at what those deplorables gave this country....They should run and hide ....A totally CRAZY bunch!


8/16/2017 6:30 pm  #9

Re: I Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Hey...they must be proud. Took a look and they have stupid head's picture on their MB.  Wonder why they ever watched The View in the first place. It was always on the more liberal side. Maybe they were too stupid to get it. Lol.
Wonder if any of them were in Charlottesville this past weekend.  


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