Today's gem comes to us courtesy of Alex Jones, who is forever stoned on supplements and his own nakedness, and GOP nutjob Roger Stone.
After Jones made the claim that Trump is slurring his words by 5 or 6 in the evening, RogerStone and Jones reassured one another that Donald Trump is a fine, healthy strapping specimen of a man who could not possibly slur his words without help from someone else.
Leaning in to Jones, Stone shared his gossip. "But I have now heard not from one, but two different sources, that he seemed disoriented and was slurring his speech in conversations."
Whoa, if true,Trump could be sundowning. But rather than consider a cause that might be perfectly natural and also disturbing.....
Stone has a different explanation."To me this is a tip off that he may be being medicated," he continued. "Is General [John] Kelly above this? No."
this makes a lot of sense
Nah...the pervert is drugging himself....give him a little cocaine and pass him the urine....