Haven't watched the show and I don't plan to. IMHO....I never liked her and I consider her one who is riding the success train...indirectly benefitting from head.
They bumped the former Today Show clan for this?
I won't watch it either...her ratings are dropping more and more on a daily basis.
Also all the gaffes haven't helped are 2 examples...
-when she interviewed the Will n Grace stars...To a special guest that she had on along with them....she said...oh because you admired Will on the show "you DECIDED to become gay".
-the Jane Fonda interview ...and asking her about "plastic surgery" when she knew she didn't want to discuss it. Jane Fonda expertly shut her down...good for her!
These are only 2 examples,,,,but NBC made a mistake in giving her this time slot and in trying to change the way she usually interviews people. Kelly is like the pervert....terrible, horrible
So NO, I won't ever watch her show and it seems that MANY people won't either.
Great!! And let's ask NBC what happened to Ann Curry???? Give her an hour show. At least it would be intelligent and she's beautiful to boot. Or Katie Couric....better format than that other show at 3pm. There are so many others that would be better in this time slot. NBC blew it.
Kelly is the wrong personality for that type of format.
She had a built in audience at FOX made up of mostly old, angry white men and Trumpanistas.
Yeah.....not great for early morning tv either. Thumbs down.