'Morning Joe' should be REALLY interesting tomorrow! Mika just said re Trump and Russia..tomorrow they are going to lay it ALL out on the table of what is known so far!
Their show is going to focus on the Trump/Russia timeline and connecting all the dots!
If donnie thinks his Russia connections will all be forgotten or swept under the rug with his attempts at distraction with his tweets, well he may want to tune into tomorrow's show! (which we know he does, though he denies it)
'Morning Joe' is going to keep this on the front burner! Place your bets folks. How long until the demented Orange Maniac lashes out in another tweet storm attack on Mika and Joe?
Damn this makes me so happy that they have decided to go this route!
This is going to be 'must-see' TV and I hope that EVERY one of their shows from now on continues with this programming decision!
I will be watching....if not the show I will check in on here. Thanks, Dolly.
Thank you Dolly, I'll be watching!