Thanks NE! this last list seems a little more updated.....
I have been watching old episodes of 'Blue Bloods' one of my favs....
Don't want to even think about or watch anything related to the pervert or his latest mess....One thing about him though...he is mess after another.....both with his women...and his latest assignment. UGH.....
hey zeke...'This is Us' is on tonight
Hey NE.....what else is on tonight, that's new??
Spunky wrote:
hey zeke...'This is Us' is on tonight
So, did you both watch???? And now you have to wait for AFTER the Super Bowl , Jacks favorite day to watch him actually DIE? Thats some rude shit, NBC.
Any theories here people? So many red herrings they have dropped over their time on air regarding this.
Twitter was full this morning,
poor Corning-every one throwing out their crockpots LOL
LOL from the creator of the show below.Dan Fogelman[/url] [url= ]✔@Dan_Fogelman Taking a moment to remind everyone that it was a 20 year old fictional crockpot with an already funky switch? Let's not just lump all those lovely hardworking crockpots together. #ThisIsUs12:02 PM - Jan 24, 2018
a very popular theory is Jack goes back for the dog and that's why Kate feels guilty and says she caused Jacks death.
I expect better than this from the writers.
My take? I don't think he will die in that house in that fire.
I'm still trying to puzzle this one out as seasoned TV writer
Anybody have any theories?
I recorded it but I didn't watch...I'm kind of NOT liking it anymore....I think that the writers could have done a better job at his demise, if that's what they did...I liked him!
I saw an article on CNN, this morning, that also wrote about explosive Crock pot??? ugh!
LOLOL the crockpot didn't explode it had a faulty switch and was 20 years old. It's what started the fire.
I recorded it too and when I saw the uproar this morning, I watched it but the actual death/house fire is not next Tuesday but airing after the Super Bowl. Special time
I will maintain he does not die in that house but from something fire related later and the dog is alive. Didn't Randall say in past episode that "he died when no one was watching" ? medical complications from saving everyone from the fire? (of course)
not to worry Spunky, he'll still be around, lots more of the story to tell, and you already know he's dead from the beginning, so this is just how
LOL! So it didn't explode then?? I was getting ready to dump my crock pot.....nah..I love my crock pot...
I really stopped liking it when you told me he was dead already.....
I wonder if zeke watched it....??? shhhh...maybe she won't read our posts...
Is anyone going to watch the Grammys tonight?
I think I'll watch some of it....
NE......So are they all back this week???
Last edited by Spunky (2/28/2018 6:28 pm)
My DVR thinks they are all back this week LOL