Sam wrote:
teluog wrote:
The best one I heard, "why are we so worried about North Korea or anyone else having nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons don't kill people, people kill people." See how stupid that sounds republicans?
This is great, teluog. May I borrow it?
Great to store in my brain for backup in "discussions" with Gun Nutz.
Yes, that's exactly what I did, from a friend, pass it around because it says it all!
These kids are amazing! They are speaking in Tallahassee right now.
This horror was only a week ago - I'd still be rocking in a corner.
There is a huge group of kids at the White House.
If you do the math, these kids have lived in a country that has been at war their whole life.
They have been doing school shooting drills since they were weeny.
That is some wrong shit.
Grown ups better pay attention because these kids know how to effectively use all media formats, and all that this entails.
No, I'm not done ranting
Rant on. I love hearing them talk...they make me feel hopeful for my grandkid and grandkids to come.
Thanks NE.Hugs.
I'm so impressed by these young people, so articulate and willing to fight for what they believe in. I think it might also become a coping tool, fighting back, not just sitting around being afraid.
this is interesting...
Marco Rubio looks like hes going to cry