Trump wants a copy of the Presidential seal on tee markers at all of his golf courses. There's no end to this man's use of the office for personal gain. It's another real conflict of interest, of course, nothing will be done about it. I'd like to see some toilet paper with his face on it, no wait a minute, on second thought, I'd have nightmares in the night if I got up and saw that!
OMG, I should have known it was already out there! Thanks NE! It might help those with constipation!
teluog wrote:
Trump wants a copy of the Presidential seal on tee markers at all of his golf courses. There's no end to this man's use of the office for personal gain. It's another real conflict of interest, of course, nothing will be done about it. I'd like to see some toilet paper with his face on it, no wait a minute, on second thought, I'd have nightmares in the night if I got up and saw that!
I read online that its against the law to use the Presidential seal in that manner.But unlike the buildings, steaks and bottles of water Trump likes to adorn with his name, using the presidential seal for anything other than official government business can be a crime.
A law governs the manufacture or use of the seal, its likeness, “or any facsimile thereof” for anything other than official government business, ProPublica reported.Violations of that law can be punishable by up to six months in prison! PLEASE put him in jail already!
The “law is an expression of the idea that the government and government authority should not be used for private purpose,” Kathleen Clark, a law professor at Washington University specializing in government and legal ethics, told the website. “It would be a misuse of government authority.”
Last edited by Spunky (3/06/2018 12:09 pm)
As far as the toilet paper with the perverts picture on it....totally disgusting!!! Oh wait....just like him...disgusting!!