NE, teluog, cossysmom, and Sam are MIA...Are they buried in snow??...have moved to a warmer climate???....are outside slipping and sliding on ice and snow???? Is NE...still watching and cheering for the Madness players??? Is Sam preparing for snow storms and flooding???
They have NOT been heard from since this morning.....
Where are you guys...???
Yo Yo Yo
Not MIA, not basketballing today-they have a couple of days off before they go further, gotta rest and such LOL
Not buried in snow-ooooooo just checked the weather for Wed, 8-12 inches forecast. Godamit ! I like cold and snow but this is getting stupid. I see NYC and burbs are only getting 5-7 inches for the same storm. I guess I should actually watch a weather report LOL
I am watching the Kennedys documentary that CNN made. I fell asleep on it last nite LOL
I'm tired because I didn't get my regular coffee intake because the coffeemaker DIED this morning, which was just rude !
So, I'm tired and cranky (isn't the lil hat cute?)
nice to be missed! I'm in PA and, of course, first day of spring, we're having a blizzard. I did one swipe with my snow blower and thinking of doing another soon. it will be in the 40s tomorrow so I'm not too concerned. The last few big storms have melted the next day. That's the best kind of snow storm! how is everyone else making out?
Doing great cossy.... we check in daily to give life updates..Lol. Please join us on the morning thread. It's good to see you.
Just got home from a basketball game! I've been gone since this morning, the sun was out all day again!!! I think the storm will pretty much pass us by, so grateful. If we drive a couple of miles out of town, they've got half the snow we do, so unfair. I'll be back in the morning for my Thursday wake-up. Good evening everyone.
Offline everyone's accounted for except for Sam...
perhaps she will respond today
Uh oh!! Now zeke is MIA....Sam and zeke....please check in.....give us your views today..
Zeke is back...was out and about enjoying her day...Great!
Just Sam is still MIA.....