Anyone watch? I had it on for 5 minutes and I couldn't take it. That voice is like chalk on a chalkboard. And she is a DT supporter. NO THANKS.
I didn't watch the show. I think it's getting mostly good reviews although some comments have been stated that it's too political. I probably won't watch......not interested.
I never watched the show...and I didn't know that Roseanne was a "pervert" supporter??? I heard that she was just supporting him for the new and I'm really not interested in watching it...
no, she's been a Trump supporter for a long time. I did watch, not sure if I'll continue. Some of the acting felt forced. But I do like that they portray what happens when some family members support Trump and other's do not. In the show it caused a rift between Roseanne and her sister, played by Laurie Metcalf. Laurie Metcalf is worth watching but I don't know if I can continue to watch. I'll give it another try.
They were going nuts on the news trying to explain how Hollywood has ignored the republican point of view in shows, how the number of people who watched her show was proof there's an audience for it!! I tuned in because I watched it a few times in the past, I had no idea what it was going to be about or that it would be political, I'm not interested in a sitcom about politics, I can watch the news for that. The acting stunk, even though both sides were argued, I'm not sure I'll tune in again, it just wasn't that good.
So many thoughts-not enough coffee
Didn't care for the show in its initial run, so wouldn't watch it now.
Love Laurie Metcalf, not going to subject myself to Roseanne to see Laurie.
ABC set out to woo Trump voters, and to do that, they partnered with a star they had about 9 trillion reasons to know was a bonkers loose cannon. "Nazi Salute" plus "The Storm"--and that's week 1. They deserve every headache they get from this.
Have you all seen the vile Roseanne tweets?
Shes currently peddling conspiracy theory The Storm -google it. I couldn't even begin to say how messed up this. ABC is going to have to deal with fallout. She's just tweeting away.
NESunrise wrote:
So many thoughts-not enough coffee
Didn't care for the show in its initial run, so wouldn't watch it now.
Love Laurie Metcalf, not going to subject myself to Roseanne to see Laurie.
ABC set out to woo Trump voters, and to do that, they partnered with a star they had about 9 trillion reasons to know was a bonkers loose cannon. "Nazi Salute" plus "The Storm"--and that's week 1. They deserve every headache they get from this.
Have you all seen the vileRoseanne tweets?
Shes currently peddling conspiracy theory The Storm -google it. I couldn't even begin to say how messed up this. ABC is going to have to deal with fallout. She's just tweeting away.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought ABC was a very liberal left leaning network. Maybe they're trying to win over conservatives. If that gets them away from FAUX.......errrrr FOX TV that could be a good thing.
I do believe it was Melissa Gilbert's idea to reboot the show, and she's a very liberal left leaning woman.
I'm not a Rosanne fan and I admit it is because of some of the outrageous things she's said and done. Now I like her less because she actually believes the Pizza Gate story......sad really. All I can say is I won't be watching.
You're not wrong BUT they are pulling punches. They decided not to air an episode of Blackish that dealt with the NFL and kneeling because they were afraid. They also caught a lot of heat for not renewing their only (I think) conservative family sitcom with Tim Allen.
And yep, you're absolutely right that Sara Gilbert is very far left and she was the impetus behind the reboot. But the face of the show is Roseanne and shes tweeting crazy conspiracy stuff (still and currently)
and ABC used to have a zero tolerance policy for their actors tweets. So, it will be interesting to see what they do with this.
I won't be watching with you LOL
I can always see Laurie Metcalf as Sheldon's bible thumping mom on Big Bang Theory LOL
t's all about the money.
NESunrise wrote:
You're not wrong
BUT they are pulling punches. They decided not to air an episode of Blackish that dealt with the NFL and kneeling because they were afraid. They also caught a lot of heat for not renewing their only (I think) conservative family sitcom with Tim Allen.
And yep, you're absolutely right that Sara Gilbert is very far left and she was the impetus behind the reboot. But the face of the show is Roseanne and shes tweeting crazy conspiracy stuff (still and currently)
and ABC used to have a zero tolerance policy for their actors tweets. So, it will be interesting to see what they do with this.
I won't be watching with you LOL
I can always see Laurie Metcalf as Sheldon's bible thumping mom on Big Bang Theory LOL
Blackish is a TV show I watch every week. I love it that this show hi lights the struggles the black community faces every day. Now that Roseanne is on and obviously going in a political direction, maybe ABC will air that episode.....and I didn't know ABC used to have a zero policy for their actor's tweets. I hope that rule is still in place.
I loved Tim Allen on Home Improvement.....never got around to watching his new show. I'm not sure it was cancelled because of Tim's conservative political views though. A lot of good shows got axed at the same time as his.
I love Larie Metcalf too. Have you seen her in Ladybird?
zeke wrote:
t's all about the money.
Money talks, and right now people are crazy for nostalgia. Maybe All In The Family should get a reboot!
there were a max of maybe 3 lines referring to Trump in a half hour show...if that. It isn't a show about politics, it's a show about a working class family...just like it was the first time around. The show was always on top of important issues, like prejudice, breast cancer, etc. I'm going to give the show another chance.
I never watched the original show...I also didn't realize that she was a a big 'pervert' supporter......I just never really liked Roseanne because I knew she was a psycho...and a bigot
So bringing back the show was of no interest to me. its not an act, its who she really is.
Many of her tweets depict that and truthfully I won't give credit to or sit and be entertained by this crazy woman, knowing what really is in her heart........nothing but hate.
She was a birther. She also said that Hillary Clinton and Democrats were running a child sex ring in a pizza store - a conspiracy theory which inspired a madman with a gun to shoot up the store. She has said disgusting things about Muslims....I could go on, but I won't...
It has nothing to do with the quality of the show, its the quality of one of its main characters--Roseanne.
She's not a conservative, she's a hate-mongering conspiracy-spreading alt-right troll, just like the pervert...his call to her proves that. She is using this character to further her/ and the 'pervert’s' platform.
So no, I won't be one of the people watching....
I watched the original series because I loved the character Darlene Connor. I thought the show was very funny at times but I stopped watching when it seemed like the writers ran out of ideas. I haven't watched the reboot because I didn't want to see the support for Trump. I have not followed Roseanne the actress and wasn't aware of her personal beliefs until now.
I'm surprised ABC supports her considering how she has expressed her personal political views. I'm really surprised because this is the same network that shelved an episode of "blackish" that addressed the NFL players who were kneeling. Also ABC is run by the same parent company owned by ESPN and ESPN suspended Jemele Hill for calling Donald Trump a white supremacist on her personal Twitter account. The inconsistency is troubling to say the least. I may tune in to the new Roseanne just to see how everyone turned out but I'm hesitant to do so because, if Roseanne is personally as off the rails as she seems to be, I don't want to normalize her hateful rhetoric.
I didn't realize she was that ignorant. I used to watch Tim Allen in "Last Man Standing." I stuck with it for quite a while even though he used the show to criticize the "left" all the time. When he started actually referring to democrats as stupid, I'd had enough, spewing hatred is probably what ended his show, every show was the same at the end, it started out cute, he was a real jerk the last show I watched.
I agree....they are so stupid, making decisions that are insulting to others will cost them their livelihood, unfortunately it affects the others that also work on their shows!
As far as Roseanne is concerned....all I can say is she is the biggest loudmouth of all....and the pervert will eventually ignore and insult her as well. She spews lies, she knows it and he does too!
teluog wrote:
I didn't realize she was that ignorant. I used to watch Tim Allen in "Last Man Standing." I stuck with it for quite a while even though he used the show to criticize the "left" all the time. When he started actually referring to democrats as stupid, I'd had enough, spewing hatred is probably what ended his show, every show was the same at the end, it started out cute, he was a real jerk the last show I watched.
I never watched Last Man Standing. I always liked Home Improvement though. I didn't know Tim took to calling democrats stupid. I know there were a few popular shows that got axed that season. I just thought it strange that good ratings didn't save it. Now I know why.
she scrubbed her Twitter feed clean of pro-Pizzagate and most other conspiracy theories
ABC on the ball
NESunrise wrote:
she scrubbed her Twitter feed clean of pro-Pizzagate and most other conspiracy theories
ABC on the ball
I'm not surprised that she would erase all of her crazy right wing conspiracy Twitter posts. That's called "damage control". I hope she realizes that a lot of people are now aware of her political beliefs. She may have won some new fans, but I'm sure she lost some viewers. I don't know how Melissa Gilbert, who is a very liberal person could possibly align herself with someone who is such a nut job.
I wasn't sure if I was going to watch the reboot. Now I know for sure I won't. It's a shame because I love John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf.
I'm surprised John Goodman would want to be associated with someone who is so hatefully clueless. Didn't watch the show last night, my husband was happy with that decision because he thinks it stinks.